
National Integration Council

Did you know? Our forefathers came mainly from the Malay Peninsula, the Indonesian Islands, China, the Indian sub-continent and Sri Lanka. Despite our different backgrounds, Singaporeans were able to build a harmonious society because we recognise and value the importance of accepting and understanding one another.

We need to continue to build bridges and trust among our different community groups, so as to strengthen our social harmony. Thus, the National Integration Council (NIC) was set up in April 2009, to promote public, people and private (3P) sector partnerships for integration, and build a shared future together.

Here are the NIC's goals:

  • Increase awareness of the importance of integration for our continued success as a society and nation
  • Help newcomers adapt to the Singaporean way of life, including helping them better understand local cultures and social norms
  • Grow common spaces and provide platforms for Singaporeans and new immigrants to interact
  • Facilitate the formation of friendships and shared experiences among Singaporeans and non-locals, so as to foster mutual understanding and acceptance through their interactions
  • Foster and deepen emotional attachment and a sense of belonging to Singapore among new immigrants

Our guiding principles careers-list-arrow

When seeking to foster integration, we are guided by these principles.

  1. Integration is a two-way process. Even as new immigrants make effort to learn about and adapt to local values and norms, locals can help new immigrants adapt by reaching out and helping newcomers understand our local culture and way of life.
  2. This means that everyone has a role to play! Whether in our neighbourhood, at school, the workplace or other social spheres, we can make a difference by reaching out, establishing a connection and building mutual understanding. No effort is too small.
  3. Integration is a continual process. Newcomers may have spent their formative years in another country, and will need time to learn about and adapt to our local norms and way of life. Sustained engagement and support are therefore important.

NIC members careers-list-arrow

The NIC team is made up of members from the public, people and private sectors sectors who meet regularly to brainstorm on strategies and programmes to improve integration.

Meet the Council Members:

  1. Mr Edwin Tong
    Chairman, National Integration Council
    Minister for Culture, Community and Youth
    Second Minister for Law
  2. Mr Alvin Goh
    Executive Director, Singapore Human Resources Institute
  3. Mr Alvin Tan
    Minister of State, Ministry of Trade & Industry and Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth
  4. Mr Frank Koo
    Head of Asia, Talent, and Learning Solutions, LinkedIn
  5. Mr Gautam Banerjee
    Chairman, Blackstone Singapore
    Chairman, SINDA Indian Businessleaders Roundtable
  6. Mr Ho Chee Hin
    Chief Executive Officer, Business China
  7. Ms Ho Sheo Be
    Political Editor, Lianhe Zaobao
  8. Ms Indranee Rajah
    Minister, Prime Minister’s Office
    Second Minister for Finance and National Development
  9. Ms Ivy Lai
    Deputy Honorary Treasurer, Singapore National Employers Federation
    Chief Executive Officer, Philips Electronics Singapore Pte Ltd
  10. Dr Janil Puthucheary
    Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Communications & Information and Ministry of Transport
  11. Mr Kok Ping Soon
    Chief Executive Officer, Singapore Business Federation
  12. Ms Lee Hwee Boon
    Head of Group HR, OCBC
  13. Dr Leong Chan-Hoong
    Senior Fellow, S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies
  14. Mr Jimmy Toh
    Chief Executive Director, People’s Association
  15. Mr Masagos Zulkifli
    Minister for Social and Family Development
    Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs
  16. Mr Ng Chee Meng
    Secretary-General, National Trades Union Congress
  17. Ms Sandra Theseira
    President, Eurasian Association
  18. Mr Syahiran Rohajat
    Assistant Honorary Secretary, Singapore Malay Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  19. Mr Syed Zakir Hussain
    Associate Editor, The Straits Times
  20. Dr Tan See Leng
    Minister for Manpower
    Second Minister for Trade & Industry
  21. Mr Thomas Chua Kee Seng
    President, Singapore Federation of Chinese Clans Association

Community Integration Fund careers-list-arrow

The Community Integration Fund (CIF) was launched by the NIC in September 2009 to support organisations in organising ground-up integration initiatives. You can find more information on the CIF page.

Singapore Citizenship Journey careers-list-arrow

Did you know? New naturalised citizens who have been granted in-principle approval for Singapore citizenship have to undergo a mandatory programme. It consists of both online elements as well as experiential learning programmes, and culminates in a citizenship ceremony to officially welcome naturalised citizens as full-fledged members of the Singaporean family.

Find out more about the Singapore Citizenship Journey.

Resources careers-list-arrow

Visit the Integration Resources page for more information.
Last updated on 08 March 2022