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Inspiring Singaporeans through Sport


Sports Division (SD) works alongside our partners Sport Singapore (SportSG), Singapore Sports School, National Youth Sports Institute (NYSI), Singapore National Olympic Council (SNOC) and Singapore National Paralympic Council (SNPC) to develop and implement policies and programmes that support the sporting aspirations of Singaporeans.

Did you know?

You can visit an Active Health Lab to get personalised wellness plans on exercise and lifestyle habits.

Sports Subsectors

It goes beyond winning medals. It is also about creating greater sporting opportunities and access.

High Performance Sports

Sports Participation

Sports Volunteerism

Enabling Team Singapore to achieve sporting success through initiatives such as the spexScholarship and the One Team Singapore Fund.
Facilitating Singaporeans, from all walks of life to lead an active lifestyle through programmes such as ActiveSG, Active Health and Disability Sports Master Plan, as well as improving access to sports facilities through the Sports Facilities Master Plan.
Encouraging Singaporeans to give back to society through platforms such as SportCares and Team Nila.


When we put our ears to the ground, what we heard have been really heartening. And we’ve done our best to turn ideas into reality, creating ripples across nearly every facet of society. But above all, we’re proud that it’s the work of everyone who calls Singapore home.