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We find strength in diversity


We may be many and different, but what we share in common is stronger than our difference. And this is what our society is made of – shared values and experiences that build bonds that hold us together as one common people, regardless of race or religion.

Did you know?

Singapore is amongst the world’s most religiously diverse countries, with Singaporeans of various faiths living harmoniously together.

Credit: Pew Research Centre

Community Relations & Engagement

Singapore’s social fabric is especially unique, consisting of various ethnic and religious elements. Yet, a sense of togetherness binds us as we celebrate all that the different communities offer, from the exotic cultures to the delicious food and festivities. The harmony we enjoy is the result of many years of ongoing hard work and dedication.

Community Engagement

Registry of Muslim Marriages

Syariah Court

The Community Relations and Engagement Division at the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) works with our partners to create a cohesive, caring and active community through the National Steering Committee (NSC) on Racial and Religious Harmony and the Racial and Religious Harmony Circle.
Through its Community Clubs' courses and activities, the People's Association creates opportunities for people to make new friends who share common interests and promote a strong cohesive community. More information on the People's Association can be found on
The Registry of Muslim Marriages (ROMM) administers registration of Muslim marriages solemnised in Singapore under the Administration of Muslim Law Act (Chapter 3); including the appointment of Naib Kadi and its support services. ROMM is committed towards building strong, stable marriages and families. 
More information on the Registry of Muslim Marriages can be found on
The Syariah Court serves as a reliable, dynamic and just court for the Muslim community. We are the primary institution for resolving disputes between divorcing Muslim couples. We also issue inheritance certificates to beneficiaries of deceased persons.
More information on the Syariah Court can be found on

Update on Harmony Fund

From end November 2020, the Harmony Fund scheme will extend its eligibility criteria to include individuals and non-profit organisations. All applications are to be submitted through OurSG Grants portal.
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Statement by the NSC on Racial and Religious Harmony

25 Mar 2020


The National Steering Committee (NSC) on Racial and Religious Harmony, comprising leaders from the major faith and ethnic groups, put up a statement in support of staying united against COVID-19.

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