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Recognising acts of kindness in service

Speech by Ms Sim Ann, Senior Minister of State for Culture, Community and Youth & Communications and Information at the National Kindness Awards 2018

Dr William Wan

General Secretary, Singapore Kindness Movement

Ms Margaret Heng

Executive Director, Singapore Hotel Association

Distinguished Guests,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

  1. Good afternoon everyone. I am very happy to join you today at the Service Gold Award 2018 ceremony.

    Kindness defines us as Singaporeans 

  2. Singapore’s tourism industry is an important contributor to our economy. In the first half of 2018, we received a total of 4.6 million international visitors, an increase by 7.6 per cent compared to the same period last year. Hotel revenue also grew by 8.5 per cent to reach $1.0 billion in the first quarter of 2018.
  3. This growth would not be possible without the hard work and dedication of our staff in the hospitality industry. When you add your personal touch of kindness to your work, our guests feel the difference. Your sincerity and passion leave a lasting, personalised experience for our international visitors and friends. This makes every visit here memorable for them, grows global awareness of our country as a desired tourist attraction, and attracts other visitors to Singapore. Most of all, your actions help define who we are as a people.

    Shining beacons of the service industry

  4. The Service Gold Award, jointly organised by the Singapore Kindness Movement and the Singapore Hotel Association, celebrates our hotel staff who have displayed exemplary service in their work, as well as our gracious guests. The stories of our award recipients today inspire us to bring out our best. I would like to share two stories in particular.
  5. Ms Suriati Binte Jalil is a Security Executive at Hotel Jen Tanglin Singapore, who went out of her way to help a lost child with autism. Although it was way past her working hours, she stayed by the child’s side until his parents arrived. Her care for the child sets an example for us to be sensitive to those around us with special needs.
  6. Ms Alex Yu, Assistant Housekeeper from Festive Hotel, Resorts World Sentosa, discovered an unconscious guest during her routine room checks. Alex accompanied the guest to the hospital, and stayed with the guest throughout the day, knowing that he was alone in Singapore. Alex even washed all of the guest’s laundry on her own accord, and delivered it to him when she visited him at the hospital the next day.
  7. These stories exemplify the spirit of the Singapore Kindness Movement, which encourages everyone to start, show and share kindness, one act at a time.


  8. Finally, I would like to congratulate all our award recipients once again. I hope all of you will continue to be our role models, and inspire fellow Singaporeans to step forward and build a more caring and inclusive home. Together, let us show the world that we are a nation with a big and kind heart.

Last updated on 13 March 2019