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Securing a better future for Singapore

Speech by Mr Baey Yam Keng, Parliamentary Secretary for Culture, Community and Youth, at the Red Cross Youth Community Challenge 2016

Mr Sahari bin Ani, Director of Red Cross Youth;

Singapore Red Cross Council Members;

Distinguished Guests;

Red Cross Youth Challenge Campers;

Ladies and Gentlemen,

  1. A very good morning to everyone! It is my pleasure to join you all this morning here at Our Tampines Hub. I understand we have about 170 secondary school students from the Red Cross Youth Challenge (RCYC) camp, and another 160 youth volunteers from all walks of life here with us today. I’d also like to extend a very warm welcome to all our overseas delegates from the Malaysian Red Crescent Society and Myanmar Red Cross.

    A new chapter for the Red Cross Youth Challenge

  2. It is the first time that the RCYC is organising a large-scale community service as part of its annual camp. There are many booths here where we can learn about blood donations, emergency preparedness, CPR, and first aid. This effort is in line with SGSecure – a national movement to involve all Singaporeans in being prepared against terrorist threats. I am also heartened to know that 100 food aid packs will be distributed to Tampines residents.

    Imbuing the spirit of community service in our youths

  3. Many of you are here because you have joined the RCYC camp, which aims to equip you with the spirit of service, and the knowledge to save lives. This is all the more important in the light of extremist attacks around the world. We must be vigilant, and prepared to help the vulnerable, when an attack happens in Singapore. In fact, you are setting a very good example for the rest of the community by learning life-saving skills and raising public awareness of first aid and disaster preparedness. It is not an easy task, but I urge you to do your best. Even if you manage to convince just one person to pick up life-saving skills or prepare a first aid kit, we are one step closer to achieving our goal of having a “First Aider in Every Home”.

    Serving one another and challenging themselves to achieve

  4. After today, I hope you will continue to find ways to give back to the community. Always keep in mind the Red Cross Youth motto, ‘To Serve One Another’.  And if you have a passion for volunteering and community leadership, do consider being a part of Youth Corps Singapore. It brings together, and provides support for young Singaporeans who are keen to serve the community.  Together with other like-minded youths, you will be trained to lead and implement projects that can make a difference to our society.


  5. To the organising committee and volunteers, thank you for making this event possible. To all our foreign delegates, thank you for participating in this event. I hope all participants will continue to keep in touch, and engage in more exchanges. Let us work together to secure a better future for our region.
  6. Thank you, and have a great day ahead!
Last updated on 22 March 2019