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Additional guidance to religious organisations for permitted on-site activities

14 May 2020 / 09:00 AM - This advisory provides further guidance to religious organisations on the conduct of permitted activities on their premises or places of worship.

  1. It was announced on 21 Apr 2020 that the circuit breaker period will continue until 1 Jun 2020 (inclusive). This advisory provides further guidance to religious organisations (ROs) on the conduct of permitted activities on their premises or place of worship, and is to be read together with MCCY’s advisory on 4 Apr 2020.

    Application to the Ministry of Trade and Industry for Time-Limited Exemption

  2. With the exception of funeral-related services that are already allowed with restrictions1, ROs must apply to the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) for a Time-Limited Exemption (TLE) via one day prior to the conduct of all activities on their premises or place of worship. This includes recording/broadcast sessions on-site and the return of staff to workplace premises for urgent and critical tasks that cannot be done remotely. ROs should proceed with the activity only after receiving MTI’s acknowledgement, whilst following the prevailing safe distancing requirements. ROs are to inform MCCY of your TLE applications via For queries on TLE, please refer to

    Full implementation of measures

  3. The granting of a TLE does not exempt ROs from the prevailing COVID-19 advisories by the relevant government agencies. ROs are reminded to fully comply with the prevailing guidelines in MCCY’s 4 Apr advisory as well as the Ministry of Trade and Industry’s and the Ministry of Manpower’s general workplace guidelines. Persons and organisations that do not comply will face penalties under the Infectious Diseases Act2 and the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act 20203. The health of all depends on each one of us.

Issued by:
Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth
14 May 2020

For more information, please visit or contact MCCY’s Community Relations and Engagement Division at


1 Refer to Regulation 13(b) of the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) (Control Order) Regulations 2020.
2 Offenders will face a fine of less than $10,000 or imprisonment of less than 6 months or both. In addition, existing levers under the Infectious Diseases Act, including the temporary suspension of operations, may be used against errant persons and operators.
3 First-time offenders may face fines of up to $10,000 or imprisonment for up to 6 months or both, and second or subsequent offences may attract fines of up to $20,000 or imprisonment for up to 12 months or both. In addition, further directions may also be given by enforcement officers appointed, including directions to stop carrying on a business, undertaking or work and to close or limit access to premises or facilities.


Last updated on 14 May 2020