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Applications for Registration as a Charity

Response to parliamentary question on how many organisations that do not meet the charity registration condition to be beneficial wholly or substantially to the community in Singapore had applied for and obtained charity status in the past five years.

Oral PQ 6348: Mr Louis Ng Kok Kwang: To ask the Minister for Culture, Community and Youth for each year in the past five years (a) how many organisations whose purposes are not beneficial wholly or substantially to the community in Singapore, have applied for registration as a charity; and (b) of these applications, how many and what percentage have been approved.

  1. One of the basic conditions for registration as a charity is that the purposes of the organisation must be beneficial wholly or substantially to the community in Singapore. However, the Minister has the discretion to waive this condition on a case-by-case basis.
  2. In the past five years, from 1 January 2020 to date, the Commissioner of Charities granted charity status to 16 organisations who had obtained a waiver of this charity registration condition as their purposes and activities were not substantially beneficial to the community in Singapore. This makes up about 7% of the total of 221 charities registered over the same period.
  3. The majority of the organisations which were granted waivers are the Qualifying Grantmakers who applied for charity status under the Grantmaker Scheme administered by the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth. This is because, unlike typical charities, Qualifying Grantmakers are solely funded by an individual, family or institution, do not solicit for public donations, and engage predominantly in giving out grants to charitable causes. Therefore, they are regulated under a lighter-touch regime, with certain regulatory requirements waived. That said, Qualifying Grantmakers are still encouraged to apply some of their funds in Singapore, and, the majority of them apply at least 50% of their funds locally.
Last updated on 23 August 2024