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Framework in Place on Managing and Governing Personal Data

Response to parliamentary question on the People’s Association’s guidelines and protocols governing the use of personal data

  1. Data management in the People’s Association (PA), as with other public agencies, is governed by the Public Sector (Governance) Act (PSGA) 2018 and the Government Instruction Manual (IM) on ICT and Smart Systems Management: Data.  The IM sets out, amongst other things, the data protection requirements that apply in respect of the management of personal data.     
  2. There is a framework in place to manage any Government data incidents.  Standard operating procedures and workflows are included to guide and ensure that the relevant personnel comply with applicable policies and procedures.  In the event of any data breach, PA would have regard to the specific circumstances and context in which the breach had occurred, in assessing the appropriate remedial actions to be taken.
Last updated on 28 February 2022