Meet your friends next door: Ganesan the bridge between neighbours at Everton Park

When conflicts arise, those involved typically turn to a trusted group of individuals – the community grassroots leaders for support.

  • 11 Mar 2025

Inspired by his belief in leadership through service, Ganesan has dedicated himself to serving Everton Park as a Grassroots Leader for over three decades.

Ganesan s/o Kulandai, PBM, believes that resolving disputes is about more than finding solutions, as they are an opportunity to build stronger bonds between the community's residents.

One particular story stands out in his many years of service. This instance revolved around a disagreement between two families that began with a familiar issue: noise.

Seeds of Discord

At first, the two neighbouring households got along relatively well. They would exchange friendly greetings, share festive treats, and even help one another with errands on occasion.

However, things began to change when one household started hosting regular family visits. The increase in bustle and noise troubled the other household, which began to harbour a grudge that grew stronger as time passed.

Eventually, the tension erupted into full-blown animosity. Both households decided to file their own complaints to the Everton Park Residents’ Committee, which brought the situation to Ganesan’s attention.

From Discord to Dialogue

Years of experience, training and familiarity with the community kicked in for Ganesan. At first, he counselled each party separately, trying to understand both points of view. “I slowly talked them through each of their disputes with one another,” Ganesan explained. “It was not easy. The entire process required two to three months of consistent communication and sessions.”

Empathy, active listening, and understanding various perspectives has allowed Ganesan to forge strong bonds with his fellow neighbours over the years. 

Eventually, he managed to help each party understand the other’s perspectives, and reach a compromise. “Little by little, the amount of problems between the two began to stop,” he added. “They’re now very good friends with one another!” Indeed, the two families have also become regular participants in the various community initiatives and activities across Everton Park. 

Reflecting on this experience, Ganesan shared that while disputes are not uncommon, all it takes is thoughtful communication and genuine understanding, which is what he feels could have nipped this situation in the bud. "Practicing empathy during a dispute is very important", Ganesan said. This simple act often uncovers shared values and common ground, making it easier to forge connections and build trust.

A Harmonious Community

The Everton Park community also thrives on a culture of mutual care and collaboration, nurtured both by regular community activities that Ganesan and his team organises, such as potlucks and recycling campaigns, as well as organic get-togethers among the neighbours. 

One of the many initiatives that Ganesan’s community partakes in is the Trash for Cash initiative, which was sparked by the community’s passion for sustainability. 

Interestingly, this bond manifests itself in a way that is perhaps different from other close-knit estates.

“Everton Park has a lot of senior citizens living alone. Though they want to help each other, their abilities are limited,” Ganesan explains. “When they learn of a neighbour having any problems, they simply come to me on their neighbours’ behalf so that we can help them!” 

Ganesan looks forward to continuing his service as a GRL to his community in Everton Park for the years to come. 

Looking out for each other can be as simple as that – “A little among neighbours is worth more than riches” is an old proverb that Ganesan lives by. It is a reminder that harmony does not always need to come from grand acts and gestures. A little care, concern and empathy is all it takes.

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