
Cultural Matching Fund

News and Updates

Please note that the Cultural Matching Fund (CMF) only matches qualifying cash donations. Attempting to submit fraudulent cash contributions is a serious offence and offenders will be prosecuted.

Read (or download pdf) about a recent case on attempted cheating of the CMF.

CMF Matching Grant usage on Fundraising Expenditures
All CMF Matching Grants used for fundraising events expenses are subjected to the following:

  1. The total expenditure for each supported fundraiser should not exceed 30% of the total funds raised.
  2. Matching grant quantum for a fundraising event expenses is capped at $50,000 per event.
  3. Applicants are required to submit income and expenditure report for each fundraiser. CMF will only disburse the grant after submission of the report.

Applicant is reminded to consider whether you can fulfil the above criteria before deciding whether to apply any part of the matching grant to be used for fundraising event. Please refer to our FAQ below for more details.

CMF Matching Grant usage on GST
With effect from the CMF 2021 application, only non GST-registered organisations are allowed to use the CMF Matching Grant for the GST component of the approved use. For GST-registered organisations, CMF Matching Grants cannot be used for GST.

About CMF careers-list-arrow

Established by MCCY, the Cultural Matching Fund (CMF) provides dollar-for-dollar matching grants for private cash donations to registered charities in the arts and heritage sector.

The CMF aims to encourage giving to our arts and heritage sector. This will create a more sustainable arts and heritage scene, and one in which more people in Singapore have a stake. The CMF will match monetary donations received by the eligible organisations, from individuals, foundations and corporations. The CMF doubles the value of every cash donation for the receiving organisation which can be put to various uses, including developing capabilities for the long-term sustainability of the organisation and the cultural sector as a whole.

The National Arts Council is the appointed Secretariat for the administration of the CMF.

Application for CMF careers-list-arrow

Guides for CMF applicants careers-list-arrow

  • How to apply for CMF

How to apply for Cultural Matching Fund?

  • How to fill in CMF milestone reports

How to fill in Cultural Matching Fund milestone reports?

Eligibility careers-list-arrow

Only Arts and Heritage Charities and IPCs are eligible for the CMF. These principally include the Charities and IPCs classified by the Commissioner of Charities to be primarily engaged and operating in the arts and heritage sector. The CMF Secretariat may also consider other exceptional Charities and IPCs that conduct significant arts and heritage activities, such that they contribute to the benefit of the arts and heritage sector, to be eligible for the CMF on a case by case basis.

Assessment careers-list-arrow

Applications will be evaluated by the CMF Trustees with the support from CMF Secretariat, MCCY, NAC, and NHB. For application of CMF grants above the first $300,000, applicant is encouraged to discuss with the relevant agency to ensure proposed uses are in line with cultural sector priorities before submitting their applications.

Funding conditions careers-list-arrow

  • For matching grant in the first S$300,000 of matching grants received per application window, use of the funds should be in line with the stated objects as arts and heritage charities as well as governance regulations for charities. Some examples may include overhead operating costs such as salaries, staff training & development and rental costs.
  • For matching grants above the first S$300,000 per application window, the funds must be used to support projects that align to culture sector priorities, including projects that:

    a. are of high standards of excellence that are able to engage audiences and are impactful in rejuvenating or transforming the cultural landscape in Singapore, or filling a critical gap in the arts and culture ecosystem in Singapore;

    b. engage different segments in the Singapore society through arts and heritage, including the under-reached communities, and contributing to the development of new audiences beyond once-off attendances;

    c. encourage sustainability in our arts and heritage scene such as instilling a sense of ownership among Singaporeans in our arts, history and traditions and building a pool of patrons and volunteers, or improving the capabilities of the charity/sector in areas such as fundraising, innovation, corporate governance, research, business development etc.;

    d. contribute to the building of a more caring and cohesive society by bridging communities, fostering inter-cultural understanding and bringing Singaporeans from different walks of life together to engage in arts and heritage; and

    e. promote a greater sense of shared identity and pride as Singaporeans, and deepen our understanding on the richness and diversity of our multicultural society.
  • All CMF Matching Grants, regardless of the quantum of amount disbursed, cannot be used for the following items:

    a. entertainment expenses;

    b. staff bonuses and welfare benefits (including overseas travel costs);

    c. internal charges within a charity;

    d. legal expenses

    e. debt/loan repayment; and

    f. government fine and taxes
  • All CMF matching grants are not to be used for activities that may:

    a. advocate or lobby for lifestyles seen as objectionable by the general public;

    b. denigrate or debase a person, or a group or class of persons on the basis of race or religion, or serve to create conflict or misunderstanding in the multicultural and multi-religious society of the Republic of Singapore;

    c. undermine the authority or legitimacy of the Government and public institutions or threaten the security or stability of the Republic of Singapore; and / or

    d. in any way, be adverse to the cultural sector and / or the Republic of Singapore.

Briefing sessions careers-list-arrow

We are sharing the slides to complement the presentation from the sessions for the benefit of those who could not attend.

Session on 2 April 2024 (held at Asian Civilizations Museum - Ngee Ann Auditorium & Foyer)

Session on 5 April 2023 (held at National Museum Singapore, Gallery Theatre and Foyer)

Session on 22 March 2022

Session on 24 March 2021

Session on 16 March 2020

Session on 23 April 2019

Other information and FAQ careers-list-arrow

Tote Board Enhanced Fund-Raising Programme Grant

Tote Board has enhanced its Fund-Raising Programme with effect from 17 April 2020 to support non-profit organisations adversely impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak.

This fundraising programme started in 2006 to serve as a catalyst to encourage the community to better meet the needs of the underserved in the community. The fundraising gives VWOs and organisations a boost to initiate and achieve their fund-raising targets.

Arts and Heritage Organisations that are interested may visit the Tote Board website to find out more.

Important – Please note that i) sponsorship, grants and earned income, and ii) donations that have been matched by other government grants that allocate funds based on raised income are not eligible for matching by the Cultural Matching Fund.

Arts & Heritage charities/IPCs may refer to NAC website to download Donation and Sponsorship Agreement Templates for your use when engaging Arts philanthropy. The latest e-tax guide on tax treatment of donations with benefits can be found here.


Last updated on 24 May 2023