
Charities and Institutions of a Public Character


In Singapore, any organisation set up for exclusively charitable purposes and carries out activities to achieve these purposes must apply for registration with the Commissioner of Charities (COC).

All registered charities get to enjoy income tax exemption, as well as property tax exemption on premises used exclusively for charitable purposes.

Institutions of a Public Character

Institutions of a Public Character (IPCs) are exempt or registered charities which are able to issue tax deduction receipts to donors for qualifying donations made.

To qualify as an IPC, the charity must be dedicated to serving the needs of the community in Singapore as a whole and not confined to sectional interests or groups based on race, belief or religion.

You can search for charities and IPCs on the register maintained by the COC found at the Charity Portal ( More statistics on the charity sector can also be found in the COC Annual Report available on the Charity Portal.


Last updated on 02 March 2019