

If you are interested in the arts and heritage, and are looking to do something meaningful, we encourage you to consider volunteering and working with the community. What awaits you is the opportunity to make a difference to Singapore's arts and heritage sector as well as the wealth of relevant experience and skills that you will gain. Come be a part of this shared cultural heritage!

NAC – Arts Volunteer Programme
National Arts Council (NAC)’s art volunteers lend their invaluable skills to enhance the arts experience at every step of the way. They offer specialised support in terms of front-of-house duties, event operations and artist management. They enrich the visitor experience in their roles as liaison officers or exhibition guides, and advocate the arts through publicity and outreach efforts. Volunteers will also have the chance to benefit the community by bringing arts activities to underserved communities, such as the elderly and persons with disabilities.

Diverse opportunities are available, whether at intimate arts events or large-scale arts festivals.

NHB – Docents and Volunteers
National Heritage Board (NHB)’s docents and volunteers are the soul of our museums and heritage institutions, bringing the stories behind our artefacts to life. Private organisations and individuals who are passionate about sharing their love for Singapore’s history and heritage have joined the family of volunteers and docents.

Private organisations such as Friends of the Museum and Museum Volunteers are familiar supporters. So are the Mandarin Guides, who provide Mandarin guided tours. The number of volunteers and docents is always growing. Recruitment for docents takes place every two to three years. If you have a passion for heritage, we welcome you to volunteer for our community events, heritage trails and even community gallery museums. We also support community-initiated projects that reach out to society. More details can be found on NHB’s Volunteer page.

Last updated on 21 June 2024