
Safer Giving

Everyone has a part to play in creating a Safer Giving space. Charities can do so by providing more information to the public and being transparent in their usage of donations.

For donors and the public, there are simple steps you can take to ensure that your donations are used for a genuine charitable purpose. As giving is a powerful tool, we strongly encourage members of the public to give safely, as illustrated by the video.

We also encourage donors and the public to practise the following steps of “Ask. Check. Give.”

Do watch Your Guide to Safer Giving to find out how!

Ask before giving:
i. Who is the beneficiary?
ii. What will my donations be used for?
iii. How can I receive updates?

Check the fund-raiser’s legitimacy and terms and conditions:
i. Scan the QR code on the fund-raising permit;
ii. SMS to 79777; or
iii. Visit the Charity Portal and search for the charity name.

Give with peace of mind.

Together, we can build a trusted and thriving charity sector. Check out more information on Safer Giving on the Charity Portal.

Last updated on 28 July 2021