
Resources and useful links



Annual reports on co-ops in Singapore 

Virtual and hybrid general meetings (effective from 1 July 2023)

Code of Governance for credit co-ops

Members of credit co-ops consist of individuals who have entrusted their hard-earned savings to credit co-ops. Good governance is thus important to safeguard credit co-ops’ members’ deposits and maintain members’ confidence and trust. Good governance, when practised by credit co-ops officers, will enable a more resilient, effective and prudent organisation.

  • Code of Governance

The Registry and the Singapore National Co-operative Federation (SNCF) have jointly issued the Code of Governance 2016, which provides useful guidelines to help credit co-op officers carry out their duties in the best interests of the members.

  • Governance Evaluation Checklist

To complement the Code of Governance, the Registry and SNCF have issued the Governance Evaluation Checklist 2016. This Checklist allows credit co-ops to assess their compliance with selected guidelines, better understand its state of governance and work on the areas that require improvements.

Governance guides for credit co-ops

Checklist of Annual Statutory Requirements for Co-operative Societies

    Useful links


    Singapore National Co-operative Federation (SNCF)

    The SNCF promotes the co-operative movement and co-operatives in Singapore. It also provides co-operative education and training and development. The SNCF represents the co-op movement at national and international levels.

    International Co-operative Alliance (ICA)

    The ICA is an independent, non-governmental association that unites, represents and serves co-operatives worldwide. Read more about Singapore's Regional ICA.

    Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority Singapore (ACRA)

    ACRA is the national regulator of businesses entities and public accountants in Singapore. ACRA also facilitates the development of businesses and the public accountancy profession.

    Registry of Societies (ROS)

    The ROS regulates societies under the Societies Act and Regulations.

    Last updated on 04 April 2024