
Culture Academy Singapore

The Culture Academy (CA) champions the development of the next generation of Singapore’s cultural leaders in the public and private sectors.

The academy’s work focuses on 3 inter-related areas: Leadership and Capability Development, Research and Scholarship and International Partnerships.

Leadership and capability development

CA’s leadership and capability development programmes enable cultural leaders to enhance their understanding of and alignment with Whole-of-Government (WOG) and Whole-of-Nation (WON) priorities. These programmes help to build camaraderie and collaborations through fostering strong professional relations and inter-agency collaborations both within and outside the MCCY family. Besides honing leadership skills, CA also provides opportunities for our leaders to build their capabilities in cross-sector research that will help to inform them of good policy and decision making for the benefit of the sector and nation.

Research and scholarship

CA aims to drive new areas of culture sector research with sector-wide relevance by articulating strategic research focus areas aligned with MCCY’s strategic priorities, and deliver the knowledge needed to guide and inform MCCY family policies and programmes. We will do so by engaging in collaborative research partnerships with universities and research institutions, other cultural and government agencies, as well as the private sector in fields of mutual interest.  Our research arm also compiles and disseminates research findings through various knowledge-sharing platforms (such as research symposia, online resources and other publications) to policymakers in MCCY family, cultural sector, WOG and the general public.

International partnerships

To complement and augment the work done in the Capability Development and Research tracks, CA develops international partnerships to showcase Singapore as a leading regional centre of excellence and knowledge in cultural policy and inspire confidence in our domestic stakeholders of what Singapore is capable of achieving and to help position Singapore as a cultural hub for the region.

For more information on the Culture Academy, please visit


Culture Academy programmes

Signature programmes careers-list-arrow

Distinguished Speaker Series

The Distinguished Speaker Series showcases the movers and shakers and thought leaders in the arts and heritage as well as business and marketing world who have brought their organisations to world class standards. This includes top Civil Servants (current and retired), Ambassadors, Museum Directors, CEOs of peak companies or cultural agencies of international acclaim who have done innovative or ground-breaking work in their respective fields.

"In Conversation With" series

The "In Conversation With" series offers a safe and open platform for arts and culture professionals and administrators to come together to present any aspect of their work including research, conservation, curatorial, pedagogy and programmes together with another professional from another field within or outside the sector. This allows for more robust discussions and cross-pollination of ideas and sharing of best practices on issues that matter to the arts and culture professional and administrator.

International conferences

Held annually in the last quarter of the year, the Culture Academy's annual conference brings together thought leaders from Singapore, the region and beyond on one platform to discuss issues or topics that are of concern to the arts and heritage fraternity and to share best practices and ideas that can encourage mutual ideas sharing and networking and learning opportunities.

Contact us careers-list-arrow

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For more information on the Culture Academy, please visit

Last updated on 06 July 2022