The Central Co-operative Fund (“CCF”)is a fund set up under the Co-operative Societies Act 1979 (“the Act”), and is under the purview of the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth.
The Minister for Culture, Community and Youth appoints the CCF Committee for the purpose of overseeing the CCF. The current Committee is serving a three-year term effective from 1 March 2024 and comprises the following individuals:
Position in the Committee | Name |
Organisation |
Chairman | Mr Vernon Khoo |
Chairman and CEO, Flagship Ecosystems Investments Pte Ltd |
Members | Mr Desmond Chin | Executive Director, Registry of Co-operative Societies |
Ms Sim Hwee Hoon |
Board Director, Income Insurance Limited & Singapore Labour Foundation |
Mr Tng Ah Yiam |
Chairman, Singapore National Co-operative Federation |
Mr Yeo Chun Fing |
Former Chairman, AUPE Credit Co-operative Limited |
Under the Act, co-operatives will make the following contributions:
Contribution tier | Annual surplus |
Contribution |
Contributions to be made |
1st Tier | First $500,000 | 5% | CCF |
2nd Tier | Amount in excess of $500,000 |
20% | CCF or Singapore Labour Foundation (SLF)* |
*Co-operatives opting to contribute to SLF must inform the Registrar in writing. The letter must be signed off by the co-operative’s Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer.
Co-operative contributions to the CCF for the financial year ended 31 March 2023 was $3.7 million and co-operative contributions to the SLF for the financial year ended 31 December 2022 was $79.3 million.
The following graphs illustrate the breakdown of the CCF Contributions and its expenditure for the financial year ended 31 March 2023 (FY2022) and its 3-year trend.
Breakdown for FY2022
3-Year Trend - FY2020 to FY2022
The Central Co-operative Fund (CCF) can be used to further co-operative education, training, research, audit and for the general development of the co-operative movement in Singapore. The CCF supports the development and growth of our co-operatives through the provision of CCF grants.
Eligible co-operatives can apply and obtain grants under the CCF Grant Framework (“the Framework”). To ensure that the Framework can meet the evolving needs of co-operatives, the Singapore National Co-operative Federation (SNCF), as the CCF Secretariat, works closely with the Registry of Co-operative Societies to review grant policies from time to time.
Under the CCF Grant Framework, co-operatives can apply for the following grants (subject to applicable conditions):
Find out more information on the individual grants under the CCF Grant Framework.
Who can apply?
Co-operatives registered with the Registry of Co-operative Societies can apply for the CCF grants.
How to apply?
Click here to apply.
All applications for the CCF grants should be submitted to the CCF Secretariat. Approval of applications is subject to applicants meeting the requisite conditions and its submission of required documents.
Who to contact?
To find out more about the CCF grants, please contact the CCF Secretariat at:
Tel: 9820 5730
CCF Secretariat
Singapore National Co-operative Federation
510 Thomson Road
#12-02 SLF Building
Singapore 298135
In addition to the CCF grants which are available to all co-operatives, the CCF is also used to implement programmes to raise awareness of the co-operative movement and strengthen the capability of co-operative officers. The programmes run by Singapore National Co-operative Federation (SNCF) include: