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Volunteerism & philanthropy statistics and publications

Snapshot of the giving landscape in Singapore.

Individual giving

National Volunteerism Rate

2012 2014 2016 2018 2021 
32% 18% 35% 29%  22%

Proportion of Singapore residents and non-residents who volunteered in the past 12 months. 

National Donation Rate

2012 2014 2016 2018 2021 
91% 83% 76% 79% 60%

Proportion of Singapore residents and non-residents who volunteered in the past 12 months.

Source: Individual Giving Study, National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre

Corporate giving

Corporate Giving Rate

2017 2021
*52% 75%

*The 2017 Corporate Giving Rate only included companies who gave via investment, but not companies who gave via integration or institutionalisation without investment (see definitions of “investment”, “integration” and “institutionalisation” in the table below). For the purposes of comparison, the proportion of companies who gave via investment was 67% in 2021.

Ways of Giving

2017 2021
Includes employee volunteering, cash donations and donations-in-kind.
52% 67%
Integrating community engagement into business functions, such as raising awareness or supporting causes as part of marketing or branding campaigns.
NA 50%
Includes institutional policies, systems and incentives, such as paid volunteer leave and employee payroll deductions.
NA 43%

Source: Corporate Giving Study, National Volunteer & Philanthropy Centre


1NVPC renamed the surveys to studies from 2018.

Last updated on 21 June 2022