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Empowering the community and religious sector to progress with confidence

Speech by Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Minister for Social and Family Development, Second Minister for Health and Minister-in-Charge of Muslim Affairs, at the Committee of Supply Debate 2025



  1. As Singapore celebrates its 60th year of independence, it is timely that the Malay/Muslim community reflects on how far we have come, and the common aspirations we have as we shape our future, together. 
  2. Our journey has been one of building unity and trust amongst different communities within our multi-racial, multi-religious society, ensuring that we thrive as a Malay/Muslim community, and collectively, as a Nation. 
  3. Over the years, we have been steadfastly pursuing our vision to be a Community of Success, anchored on the three pillars of Character, Competency and Citizenry. My colleagues spoke about growing Competency and exemplifying Citizenry in their respective speeches. Our community leaders and volunteers are key in this effort. Together with our M3 agencies and Malay/Muslim organisations, their contributions in bringing people together and for last-mile delivery have been invaluable in dealing head on with our community's needs, while complementing the Government’s efforts at the national level. 
  4. I will touch on the final “C” – Character – which reflects the religious outlook of our community. Living in a society marked by change and complexity, our community look to our asatizah for religious guidance. The quality of our asatizah - our Islamic religious teachers and scholars - therefore shapes the Character of our community. 
  5. To Mr Wan Rizal’s enquiry on how our asatizah can meet our community’s needs today, and in the future, we have stepped up efforts to nurture our asatizah and develop an ecosystem for them to thrive, following recommendations from the Committee on Future Asatizah (COFA) five years ago. 
  6. I will share three ways we can continue making strides for the asatizah sector: 
    1. First, grooming the next generation of Singapore Islamic leaders who are equipped to guide the community through contemporary challenges.
    2. Second, galvanising contributions to strengthen the religious sector and the community.
    3. Third, growing the attractiveness of the religious sector.

    Grooming the Next Generation of Singapore Islamic Leaders

    Updates on the Singapore College of Islamic Studies

  7. We have been investing in grooming a pipeline of quality asatizah here in Singapore, where they can thrive. In 2020, MUIS introduced the Postgraduate Certificate in Islam in Contemporary Societies (PCICS) to train returning graduates from overseas Islamic universities in the practice of Islam relevant to our context. Graduates of PCICS shared that they appreciated how the course opened up their worldview. As importantly, the course also brought them back together again on returning from studying Islam from universities overseas, uniting them in the process. 
  8. Back then, I said the PCICS would lay the foundations for a future Islamic college in Singapore. Today, we are fulfilling a long-standing aspiration of our community in setting up our Singapore College of Islamic Studies (SCIS). 
  9. Mr Fahmi Aliman asked about how we have been working to develop the SCIS. The SCIS will open its doors for initial intake of 60 students in 2028. It will offer Islamic teachings, both classical and contemporary, to apply to our context. Students will be well prepared for employment opportunities in the religious and adjacent sectors. They can hit the ground running!
  10. As part of the SCIS experience, prospective students can look forward to participating in immersion programmes for applied learning in specialisations across the SCIS’ inter-disciplinary curriculum, such as Fatwa Studies, Quranic Studies, Social Work and Counselling. Through these programmes, students can gain practical skills to better contribute to different facets of socio-religious life in Singapore.
  11.  For those interested in pursuing their post-graduate studies after SCIS, MUIS is working with our foreign partner institutions to enable interested students to benefit from advanced standing for post-graduate programmes at these institutions. 
  12. These opportunities are possible because of our partnerships with local and foreign institutions. The SCIS will partner the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) for its social sciences pathway, and with renowned Islamic institutions – such as Dar al-Ifta in Egypt, the University of Jordan, and Al-Qarawiyyin in Morocco – for its Islamic studies pathway. These distinguished partners are a testament to how our vision to establish SCIS is held in high regard and resonates internationally.  
  13. Through partnering world-class Islamic institutions, we can also ensure the SCIS is globally relevant, while remaining responsive to Singapore’s context.  
  14. Proper governance is critical. We have put in place an Advisory Panel, a Steering Committee and a Board of Governors to guide SCIS' developments. 
  15. Leaders of our partner institutions, together with other renowned universities like Al-Azhar, will be part of the SCIS’ Advisory Panel.  They will have their first meeting in Singapore in June 2025, on the sidelines of the International Conference on Cohesive Societies (ICCS). 
  16. The Steering Committee, led by Mufti Dr Nazirudin, has started the important work of charting the roadmap for the SCIS’ development.
  17. The Board of Governors, chaired by Mr Abdullah Tarmugi, will play a key role in stewarding the College’s governance and providing oversight on matters like fees and entry qualifications. 
  18. For more information on our journey to develop the SCIS thus far, I invite Members to collect a copy of the SCIS booklet, ‘Building the Foundations’, from the Parliament Library.
  19. SCIS mencerminkan usaha berterusan untuk memenuhi keperluan sosio-agama masyarakat Melayu/Islam. Masjid-masjid juga merupakan nadi utama kehidupan beragama masyarakat Melayu/Islam.
  20. Encik Sharael Taha dan Encik Faisal Manap bertanya tentang rancangan pembangunan masjid. Seperti yang diumumkan Perdana Menteri baru-baru ini, kami akan meneruskan pelan pembinaan masjid di Tampines North dan masjid baru di Tengah dalam tahun-tahun mendatang. Masjid di Tampines North telah diumumkan pada tahun 2015. Pada masa itu, kawasan tersebut masih dalam pembangunan. Pada tahun 2019, kami telah menaik taraf Masjid Darul Ghufran dengan dewan solat yang lebih besar untuk menampung lebih ramai jemaah. Pembinaan masjid di Tampines North telah tertangguh akibat COVID yang juga memberi kesan besar kepada pelaksaaan projek-projek infrastruktur lain yang dirancang. Apabila keadaan bertambah baik, MUIS mengkaji semula pelan pembangungan masjid dan memutuskan bahawa perancangan untuk masjid-masjid baru boleh diteruskan. MUIS bekerja rapat bersama agensi-agensi nasional dalam merancang pembinaan masjid, dengan mengambil kira perubahan pada demografi dan unjuran penduduk ekoran pembangunan bandar-bandar baru di Singapura. 
  21. Menjawab pertanyaan Encik Faisal Manap, terdapat 32 masjid kini di bawah penyelenggaraan Pengerusi Eksekutif, manakala bakinya dipimpin Pengerusi Kehormat. Para Pengerusi Eksekutif dibayar setimpal dengan tanggungjawab mereka dalam menyelenggara masjid-masjid kita dan berkhidmat kepada masyarakat. 
  22. Encik Faisal Manap juga bertanya tentang Warees Halal Limited (WHL). WHL ditubuhkan untuk melengkapi peranan Unit Pensijilan Halal MUIS. Memandangkan sistem kawal selia dan industri Halal kian pesat berkembang, MUIS akan terus menyemak peranan WHL dalam menangani perubahan-perubahan ini. Perkongsian kos antara MUIS dan masjid-masjid dikaji semula berdasarkan kemampuan kewangan masjid tersebut.

    Perkembangan Wakaf Masyarakat Singapura

  23. Selain memastikan dana yang cukup untuk membina masjid-masjid baru dan membangunkan SCIS, kita perlu memastikan dana masyarakat kita mampan. Justeru, Wakaf Masyarakat Singapura (WMS) yang dilancarkan tahun lalu untuk menampung keperluan agama masyarakat Melayu/Islam dalam jangka panjang, amat penting. WMS akan mewujudkan aliran dana jangka panjang yang mampan dan memperkasa masyarakat Melayu/Islam untuk mencorak masa depan yang lebih cerah.
  24. MUIS telah menubuhkan Jawatankuasa Sementara WMS untuk mempersiapkan asas kukuh bagi tadbir urus dan pelaksanaan WMS. Encik Zhulkarnain Abdul Rahim bertanya bagaimana kita boleh membantu masyarakat lebih memahami prinsip-prinsip dan alat-alat perancangan harta dalam Islam. Untuk mencapai matlamat ini, MUIS telah membentuk Kumpulan Kerja Perancangan Legasi Islam (ILPW) yang dianggotai para peguam, perancang kewangan dan harta pusaka, serta asatizah.
  25. Bagi meningkatkan kesedaran tentang WMS pula, MUIS menganjurkan kempen sulung bulan Wakaf Ogos lalu dan akan menganjurkannya lagi Julai ini. 
  26. Sukacita saya melaporkan bahawa kita telah berjaya mengumpulkan $6.25 juta bagi WMS setakat ini. Daripada jumlah ini, hampir $1 juta adalah sumbangan tunai, dan bakinya berbentuk ikrar. Sempena menyambut SG60, MUIS akan melancarkan kempen untuk menambah jumlah pengikrar WMS kepada 6,000 individu menjelang akhir tahun ini. Ini peningkatan lebih 5 kali ganda berbanding sekitar 1,150 pengikrar sekarang.
  27. Saya berharap lebih ramai lagi akan menyumbang kepada WMS. Sumbangan murni ini akan membantu menyokong keperluan sosio-agama generasi selanjutnya.

    Asatizah Menjangkaui Skop Tugas demi Menyokong Masyarakat

  28. Tuan Pengerusi, sumbangan para asatizah sebenarnya lebih luas daripada fungsi tradisional untuk mengajar agama. Mereka juga menyokong masyarakat dengan pelbagai cara lain. Menjawab pertanyaan Encik Faisal Manap, terdapat 5,080 asatizah yang diiktiraf di bawah Skim Pengiktirafan Asatizah (ARS). Sekitar dua pertiga daripada mereka adalah kaum wanita. 
  29. Cik Nadia Samdin yang bertanya tentang perkembangan Bersamamu pasti gembira dengan perkembangan berikut - bahawa para Kadi dan Naib Kadi telah mendampingi kira-kira 31,000 pasangan sejauh ini. Mereka juga mahir dalam bidang-bidang lain seperti kaunseling perkahwinan atau Marital First Responder, keganasan keluarga serta perancangan kewangan. Lantas, mereka peka terhadap tren dan isu-isu rumah tangga serta lebih berkemahiran untuk membimbing pasangan-pasangan.
  30. Bersamamu adalah sebahagian daripada ekosistem sokongan masyarakat yang saling melengkapi inisiatif-inisiatif nasional, untuk para pasangan dan keluarga muda. Menjawab pertanyaan Cik Nadia Samdin, banyak yang boleh dilakukan untuk membantu keluarga-keluarga muda yang dibebani cabaran tambahan. Perdana Menteri telah umumkan pelbagai inisiatif dalam Belanjawan untuk menyokong keluarga-keluarga muda dan penjagaan serta pendidikan awal kanak-kanak. Ini diharapkan dapat memberi manfaat kepada keluarga-keluarga Melayu/Islam kita.
  31. Inisiatif-inisiatif sedia ada seperti KidSTART juga melengkapkan ibu bapa dengan pengetahuan dan kemahiran menyokong perkembangan anak mereka dengan lebih yakin. Saya menggalak keluarga-keluarga yang boleh dan yang dipilih untuk menyertai KidSTART menerusi program seperti ComLink+, serta Bersamamu. 
  32. Seperti mana para Kadi dan Naib Kadi memberi sokongan berharga kepada keluarga-keluarga, kita melihat semangat yang sama dalam kalangan sukarelawan asatizah FITRAH. Seramai 40 asatizah daripada 29 masjid telah menabur bakti, menjangkaui tugas mereka sebagai pegawai masjid, demi menyokong pelbagai khidmat yang ditawarkan FITRAH. 
  33. Asatizah kita berperanan penting dalam membina kepercayaan dan persefahaman antara masyarakat berbilang agama. Mereka mengajak para jemaah untuk terus giat meluaskan ruang bersama dan membuka masjid-masjid kepada masyarakat lain. Ini amat ketara pada bulan Ramadan ini, di mana masjid-masjid mengalu-alukan rakan-rakan bukan Islam untuk berbuka puasa bersama, sambil berkongsi kemeriahan dan kesucian bulan Ramadan. 

    Asatizah Menjangkaui Skop Tugas demi Menyokong Masyarakat

  34. Justeru, kita mesti memastikan sektor agama kekal menarik untuk menjana barisan asatizah bermutu. Umumnya, perjalanan mereka bermula di madrasah-madrasah kita. Menjawab pertanyaan Encik Faisal Manap, bagi setiap kohort Darjah 1, madrasah-madrasah boleh mengambil sehingga 400 pelajar. Secara purata, pihak madrasah menerima masuk seorang pelajar bagi setiap dua pemohon.  
  35. Satu strategi utama untuk meningkatkan daya tarikan sektor asatizah kita ialah dengan pelaksanaan berperingkat Garis Panduan Gaji Umum (CSG), hasil saranan COFA tadi. MUIS telah menjalankan penilaian teliti terhadap skop kerja asatizah dan penanda aras gaji mereka berbanding sektor-sektor berkaitan di peringkat nasional, serta mendampingi para majikan untuk memastikan pelarasan gaji berdaya saing dan mampan.
  36. Sejak 2023, kita telah menaikkan gaji lebih 80% asatizah yang bekerja di masjid-masjid dan madrasah tempatan untuk memenuhi lingkungan gaji CSG, dengan peningkatan gaji antara purata 5% hingga 12%.
  37. Dengan pelaksanaan fasa ketiga tahun ini, saya berharap dapat menaikkan gaji lebih ramai asatizah agar mencapai lingkungan gaji CSG. MUIS komited untuk bekerjasama dengan para majikan agar terus melaraskan gaji asatizah supaya setimpal dengan ilmu dan kemahiran mereka. Ini juga supaya mereka memenuhi penanda aras gaji nasional bagi sektor-sektor berkaitan, secara bertahap-tahap. Kami harap usaha ini dapat memberi jaminan kepada para asatizah dan mengiktiraf kerja keras mereka dalam memberi bimbingan dan nasihat agama kepada masyarakat Islam – yakni dalam menyahut panggilan kerjaya, mereka mampu menyara kehidupan yang selesa bagi diri mereka dan keluarga masing-masing, seperti warga Singapura yang lain.  



  38. Through our shared commitment and collective efforts, our vision of a Community of Success is not just a model that resonates within Singapore—it is now recognized and respected beyond our shores.
  39. At the second edition of the International Conference on Communities of Success (ICCOS) in October 2024, regional and international audiences were deeply impressed by how our Malay/Muslim community practice Islam in context, harmonizing faith with Singapore’s rich multicultural society. Many expressed keen interests in learning from our journey, inspired by how we have navigated challenges and embraced opportunities to thrive.
  40. This recognition reaffirms our approach in building Communities of Success, strengthening our confidence to contribute meaningfully to the development of similar communities around the world. I look forward to sharing more about our plans in my speech at my annual Hari Raya Get-Together in April.
  41. As we celebrate SG60, we stand on the firm foundation of our community’s strong religious Character, which continues to guide us as we grow in Competency and nurture a deep sense of Citizenry. Character keeps us united, Competency will make us strong and Citizenry, trusted. These pillars will propel us forward, uniting us in purpose and progress. Together, as a Community of Success, we will shape a brighter future for our community and for Singapore.

Malay Translation

Membimbing Generasi Pemimpin Islam Masa Depan Singapura 

Perkembangan Kolej Pengajian Islam Singapura

  1. Tuan Pengerusi, kami giat melabur dalam melahirkan barisan asatizah bermutu yang mampu berkembang maju di Singapura. Pada 2020, MUIS memperkenalkan Sijil Possiswazah Islam dalam Masyarakat Kontemporari (PCICS) untuk melatih para graduan universiti Islam luar negara dalam pengamalan Islam yang sesuai dengan konteks kita. Para graduan PCICS berkongsi bahawa mereka menghargai program itu kerana ia membuka minda mereka. PCICS juga telah merapatkan lagi silaturahim para graduan yang pulang daripada universiti-universiti luar negara yang berbeza, lantas membina ukhwah sesama mereka.
  2. Ketika itu, saya menyatakan bahawa PCICS akan membentuk asas bagi sebuah kolej Islam di Singapura, suatu hari nanti. Kini, kita bakal memenuhi aspirasi yang sudah lama diidam-idamkan masyarakat kita dengan penubuhan Kolej Pengajian Islam Singapura (SCIS).
  3. Encik Fahmi Aliman bertanya tentang pembentukan SCIS. SCIS akan menerima masuk kohort pertamanya seramai 60 pelajar pada 2028. Ia akan menawarkan pengajaran Islam, klasik dan kontemporari, sejajar dengan konteks Singapura. Para pelajar bakal dipersiapkan untuk meraih peluang-peluang pekerjaan dalam sektor agama dan yang berkaitan. Sebaik saja lulus daripada SCIS, mereka boleh digajikan! 
  4. Sebagai sebahagian daripada pengalaman di SCIS, para pelajar boleh menyertai program-program penyerapan pembelajaran gunaan dalam pengkhususan merentasi kurikulum antara disiplin, seperti Pengajian Fatwa, Pengajian Al-Quran, Kerja Sosial dan Kaunseling. Melalui program-program ini, mereka boleh memperoleh kemahiran praktikal supaya lebih mampu menyumbang kepada pelbagai aspek kehidupan sosio-agama di Singapura.
  5. Bagi mereka yang berminat melanjutkan pengajian possiswazah selepas SCIS, MUIS sedang bekerjasama dengan institusi-institusi luar negara yang merupakan rakan kongsinya untuk membolehkan para pelajar ini meraih manfaat  berada di kedudukan yang lebih baik bagi pelbagai program possiswazah yang ditawarkan institusi-institusi ini.
  6. Peluang-peluang sedemikian mampu ditawarkan hasil kerjasama institusi-institusi tempatan dan luar negara. SCIS akan bergabung tenaga dengan Universiti Sains Sosial Singapura (SUSS) untuk laluan sains sosial, dan bersama institusi-institusi Islam terkemuka seperti Dar al-Ifta di Mesir, Universiti Jordan, dan Al-Qarawiyyin di Maghribi bagi laluan pengajian Islam. Barisan rakan kerjasama yang tersohor ini membuktikan bahawa visi kita untuk menubuhkan SCIS dihargai dan disambut baik di peringkat antarabangsa.
  7. Kerjasama erat yang terjalin dengan institusi-institusi Islam bertaraf dunia bakal memastikan SCIS relevan di peringkat global, dan pada masa yang sama responsif kepada konteks Singapura.
  8. Tadbir urus yang baik, penting. Kami telah menubuhkan sebuah Panel Penasihat, sebuah Jawatankuasa Pemandu dan Lembaga Pengelola untuk menerajui pembangunan SCIS.
  9. Para pemimpin institusi-institusi rakan kerjasama kami bersama universiti-universiti terkemuka lain seperti Universiti Al-Azhar, akan membentuk Panel Penasihat SCIS. Mereka bakal mengadakan mesyuarat pertama mereka pada bulan Jun ini di Singapura, bersempena Persidangan Antarabangsa mengenai Masyarakat Bersepadu (ICCS).
  10. Jawatankuasa Pemandu SCIS, yang diketuai Mufti Dr Nazirudin, telah memulakan tugasan penting merangka pelan bertindak bagi pembangunan kolej itu.
  11. Lembaga Pengelola SCIS, yang dipengerusikan Encik Abdullah Tarmugi, pula akan memainkan peranan penting dalam mengelola SCIS dan memberi bimbingan bagi perkara-perkara seperti yuran dan kelayakan kemasukan.
  12. Untuk dapatkan maklumat lanjut mengenai SCIS, saya jemput rakan-rakan Anggota Parlimen untuk dapatkan buku SCIS, ‘Building the Foundations’, daripada Perpustakaan Parlimen.  

    English translation

    Galvanising Contributions to the Religious Sector and for the Community 

  13. The SCIS reflects our ongoing efforts to meet the evolving socio-religious needs of our Malay/Muslim community. Our mosques have also been a key node for the community’s religious life. 
  14. Mr Sharael Taha and Mr Faisal Manap asked about mosque development plans.  As our Prime Minister recently announced, we will resume developing the mosque in Tampines North and build a new mosque in Tengah in the coming years. The mosque in Tampines North was announced in 2015. At that time, the estate was still building up. In 2019, we upgraded Masjid Darul Ghufran with a larger prayer hall to accommodate more congregants. The construction of the Tampines North Mosque was delayed due to COVID which also had major repercussions to the rollout of other planned infrastructure projects. As the situation improved, MUIS reviewed the mosque development plans and determined that planning for new mosques can resume. MUIS works closely with national agencies on the planning of new mosques, which considers demographic changes and population projections with the development of new towns across Singapore.
  15. To Mr Faisal Manap’s query, there are currently 32 mosques under the management of Executive Chairmen while the rest are led by Honorary Chairmen. Our Executive Chairmen receive competitive compensation packages commensurate with their responsibilities in managing mosque operations and serving the community. 
  16. Mr Faisal Manap also asked about Warees Halal Limited (WHL). WHL was set up to provide a complementary role to MUIS’ Halal Certification Unit. Given significant developments in the halal regulatory regime and halal industry over the years, MUIS will continue to review the role of WHL in response to these changes. The cost sharing arrangements between MUIS and the mosque are reviewed based on the financial capacity of the mosque.

    Updates on the Wakaf Masyarakat Singapura 

  17. Even as we ensure we have enough funds to build new mosques and to establish the SCIS, we must also ensure they are sustainable for the community. To support the long-term future religious needs of our community, the Wakaf Masyarakat Singapura (WMS) launched last year is crucial. WMS will create a long-term, sustainable funding stream for our community and empower our community to take charge of its future. 
  18. MUIS set up the WMS Protem Committee to establish strong foundations for the governance and implementation of the WMS. Mr Zhulkarnain Abdul Rahim asked how we can help our community better understand Islamic legacy planning principles and instruments. MUIS has brought together lawyers, financial and estate planners, as well as asatizah to form an Islamic Legacy Planning Workgroup (ILPW) to do so.
  19. To raise awareness of WMS, MUIS held its inaugural Wakaf month campaign in August and will do so again this year in July. 
  20. I am pleased to report that we have raised $6.25 million so far. Out of this amount, almost $1 million are cash contributions, and the remainder in pledges. In conjunction with SG60, MUIS will launch a campaign to increase the amount of individual pledgers to WMS to 6,000 by the end of the year. This is 5 times the number of about 1,150 pledgers currently. 
  21. I hope more amongst us will contribute to WMS. Our contributions will go a long way in supporting the socio-religious needs of our future generations.  

    Asatizah Going Beyond to Support the Community

  22. Our asatizah contribute beyond traditional religious instruction, to supporting the community in other ways. To Mr Faisal Manap’s query, there are 5,080 asatizah recognised under the Asatizah Recognition Scheme (ARS), of which around two-thirds are female. 
  23. Ms Nadia Samdin who asked for an update on Bersamamu may be glad to know that our Kadi and Naib Kadi have journeyed with about 31,000 couples so far. They are competent in other areas like Marital First Responder, Family Violence Awareness and financial literacy, to be well-informed of recent trends and potential issues that may arise in marriages and to be more equipped to engage couples. 
  24. Bersamamu is part of the community support ecosystem we have in place for young couples and families, complementing national-level initiatives. In response to Ms Nadia Samdin, we can do more to help young families who face additional challenges. Prime Minister have announced a suite of Budget initiatives to support growing families and in early childhood care and education, which we hope will benefit many Malay/Muslim families as well. 
  25. Ongoing initiatives like KidSTART also equip parents with the knowledge and skills to confidently support their child’s development. Families are encouraged to join KidSTART through touchpoints like ComLink+, as well as Bersamamu. 
  26. Just like how our Kadi and Naib Kadi provide invaluable support to families, we see the same spirit of going beyond in FITRAH’s asatizah volunteers. 40 asatizah from 29 of our mosques have stepped forward beyond their roles as Mosque Religious Officers (MROs) to support FITRAH’s in-care and after-care services.  
  27. Our asatizah also play a key role in forging trust and mutual understanding with different faith communities. They bring their congregants out of the mosques to continue to be active in expanding our common spaces and opening the mosques to other communities. This is especially felt during Ramadan, when they welcome non-Muslim friends to join us for buka puasa, as we share the joy of Ramadan together.  

    Growing the Attractiveness of the Religious Sector

    Implementation of the Common Salary Guideline 
  28. We must therefore ensure that the religious sector remains attractive to have a steady pipeline of quality asatizah, whose journey begin at our madrasahs. To Mr Faisal Manap’s query, our madrasahs can admit up to 400 students for each Primary 1 cohort, and on average, accept 1 of every 2 students who apply.
  29. One key strategy to grow the attractiveness of our asatizah sector is the phased implementation of a Common Salary Guideline (CSG), which came about through COFA.  We have conducted rigorous evaluations of the asatizah’s job scope, benchmarked salaries, and engaged employers to ensure that salary adjustments are competitive and sustainable. 
  30. Since 2023, we have raised the salaries of more than 80% of asatizah working in our mosques and madrasahs to meet the CSG range, who saw an increase in their salaries ranging between an average of 5% to 12%. 
  31. With the third phase of implementation this year, I hope to bring more of our asatizah to within the CSG range. MUIS is committed to working with employers to continue making progressive adjustments to our asatizah salaries in way that is commensurate with their knowledge and skills, so that they meet the national salary benchmarks for relevant sectors progressively. We hope these moves will provide assurance for our asatizah and recognise all they do in providing religious guidance and pastoral support for the community – that even in their chosen career, they can provide a comfortable living for their families, like everyone in Singapore.   

Last updated on 10 March 2025