Speech by Minister Masagos Zulkifli, Minister for Social and Family Development, Second Minister for Health, and Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs on 20 Feb 2025
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Ustaz Irwan Hadi Bin Shuhaimy
Senior President, Syariah Court
Professor Ang Hak Seng
Director Centre of Excellence for Social Good, SUSS
Ladies and gentlemen
1. I am delighted to be here at the Syariah Court’s Marriage Counselling Programme, or MCP, Community of Practice. Let me first record my thanks to Guy Ghazali for her sterling services in the Syariah Court. Thank you Guy. My congratulations also to Ustaz Irwan on being appointed as the new Senior President of the Syariah Court. He has spent considerable effort to become both a qualified lawyer and an asatizah. May we see more Asatizah take this path.
2. Marriage is a sacred institution in Islam, described in the Quran as a source of tranquillity, love, and mercy. It is an institution we should promote, protect, and help to heal when things go wrong with the marriage. The practitioners gathered here all play an important part in nurturing strong, healthy, and resilient Muslim families, through MCP.
3. I am therefore glad that the Syariah Court brings together critical partners across different sectors together as a Community of Practice – to build competencies and strengthen collaboration in this effort.
4. The MCP is part of the Syariah Court’s wider efforts to provide therapeutic justice to families undergoing divorce, embodying the Islamic principle of ihsan, or doing good to others, in accordance with our faith and values.
5. But beyond the MCP, the principle of ihsan has been built into nearly every stage of the Syariah Court divorce process, which also includes mediation, the hakam process involving our asatizah, as well as child-centric initiatives like social support programmes, joint child interviews, and the Child Representative scheme.
6. The provision of marriage counselling for couples contemplating divorce is something that the Syariah Court has believed in. It has, in fact, been part of the Syariah Court divorce process from its establishment in 1958.
7. This has made a difference in saving marriages.
8. These are significant developments. By keeping families intact, we shield children from the long-term destabilising effect that divorce can have on them.
9. However, the work of strengthening our families in an increasingly turbulent world is not one that any of us – be it the MSF or the Syariah Court – can go at it alone.
10. Ultimately, strong families are the foundation of what it means for us to be a Community of Success – one that can thrive in and contribute to our multi-racial and multi-religious society in Singapore, and one that can continue to serve as an inspiration to others.
11. This is why platforms like this Community of Practice presents a valuable opportunity for us to bring partners from the religious sector, social and community organisations, legal practitioners, as well as Government agencies, together to share best practices and explore new areas of collaboration.
12. Before I conclude, allow me to say some words in Malay.
13. Program Kaunseling Perkahwinan, MCP, merupakan salah satu inisiatif utama Mahkamah Syariah di Singapura. Ia bertujuan untuk menyokong keluarga Islam yang menghadapi cabaran dalam hubungan perkahwinan mereka, dengan menyediakan perkhidmatan kaunseling percuma untuk mereka yang sedang mempertimbangkan perceraian.
14. Izinkan saya berkongsi dua keutamaan utama untuk MCP yang saya harap anda dapat ingat semasa anda mengambil bahagian dalam sesi hari ini.
15. Pertama, MCP telah membuat sumbangan yang besar untuk menyelamatkan perkahwinan, dan ia akan terus berbuat demikian walaupun cabaran keluarga menjadi semakin kompleks. Dalam dua dekad yang lalu dari 2004 hingga 2024, lebih daripada 58,000 pasangan telah melalui MCP. Dalam tempoh lima tahun dari 2019 hingga 2023, hampir 40% daripada pasangan yang melalui MCP memilih untuk tidak meneruskan dengan permohonan perceraian. Ini adalah penting kerana jika keutuhan keluarga terus dikekalkan, ia akan membantu melindungi kanak-kanak daripada kesan jangka panjang yang boleh mengganggu kestabilan mereka akibat perceraian.
16. Kedua, MCP adalah penting untuk usaha-usaha Mahkamah Syariah untuk menyelamatkan perkahwinan, menyelesaikan perceraian secara baik, dan mencapai hasil yang adil. Mahkamah Syariah telah secara berterusan meningkatkan prosesnya untuk memberikan keadilan terapeutik, atau therapeutic justice, kepada keluarga yang sedang melalui perceraian. Ini menerapkan prinsip ihsan dalam agama kita, iaitu untuk berbuat baik kepada orang lain yang berpunca daripada keimanan kita.
17. In closing, let me once again thank everyone for your dedication and hard work. Keep up the good work and continue to strengthen families and uplift the community.
18. I wish you all a fruitful and meaningful time of learning.
19. Thank you.