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Protecting and Celebrating Our Cultural Treasures

Speech by Ms Low Yen Ling, Minister of State, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth & Ministry of Trade and Industry, at the Opening of Cultural Extravaganza 2024 and the Singapore Chinese Cultural Contribution Award Ceremony on 8 May 2024

  1. 很高兴今天能在新加坡华族文化中心,和大家欢聚一堂,为《华彩2024》主持开幕仪式,同时颁发新加坡华族文化贡献奖。
  2. 新加坡华族文化中心成立至今,即将迈入第七个年头,而《华彩》艺术节,以及新加坡华族文化贡献奖,今年也都是第七届。
  3. 今年的《华彩》,主题是“经典重现,代代精彩”,以“经典”的“创新”为核心主题,希望把新加坡独特的华族文化,以崭新的方式“重现”给不同年代的观众,让新加坡华族文化能够“代代精彩”!
  4. 今晚《华彩》的开幕演出,就是个很好的例子。由去年的文化贡献奖得主:南华潮剧社呈献的《典妻》,不但结合了传统潮剧和现代剧场的元素,也邀请了本地和国际潮剧人才同台出演。这场传统和现代、本地和国际的文化交流,充分体现了新加坡华族文化多元包容、海纳百川,扎根传统、放眼未来的精神,展现了新加坡华族文化非凡的魅力和活力!
  5. 新加坡华族文化贡献奖设立于2017年,旨在表彰弘扬、提升和发展新加坡华族文化的本地艺术工作者以及文化团体,也同时代表华社对本地文化艺术工作者,多年不懈努力和坚持的高度评价与认可。
  6. 今年的个人和团体奖项,分别由资深华族舞蹈家严众莲女士,以及华语剧团九年剧场获得,让我们再次恭喜他们。
  7. 严众莲女士和九年剧场,分别在开创具有本地特色的华族舞蹈,以及华语戏剧方面,做出了创新;多年来也积极培育许多年轻一代的艺术工作者,将华族文化艺术的薪火加以传承。我们希望通过奖项,鼓励更多本地文化艺术工作者,继续探索新加坡华族文化的独特之处,让我国的艺术和文化生态能生生不息,继续茁壮成长。
  8. 在这里也由衷感谢原联合早报总编辑林任君先生带领的评审委员会,从众多提名中,遴选出获奖者,维护了奖项的高规格、高水平和高标准。
  9. 最后,衷心感谢新加坡宗乡会馆联合总会和新加坡华族文化中心,在新加坡多元种族文化的大背景下,坚持我们独特而和谐的文化互动和交流,通过深化我国社会多元的特性,巩固国人的独特身份认同,加强社会凝聚力。
  10. 让我们共同预祝第七届《华彩2024》顺利成功。非常感谢大家长久以来的坚持和支持,让新加坡华族文化可以继续发扬光大。祝愿大家有个愉快的夜晚。接下来,请允许我以英语说几句。
  11. I am very delighted to join you at the opening of the Cultural Extravaganza 2024. This evening, we celebrate and honour the recipients of the Singapore Chinese Cultural Contribution Award (SCCCA), who have made notable contributions to promoting, enriching, and developing Singapore Chinese culture.
  12. My heartiest congratulations to this year’s well-deserving award recipients – dance veteran Mdm Yan Choong Lian for winning the individual category and Nine Years Theatre for winning the organisation category. Their relentless efforts in the performing arts and theatre have greatly enriched our Singapore Chinese culture. Their artistic pursuits and excellence have enhanced Singapore’s arts and cultural landscape and inspired many young practitioners.
  13. I would also like to express my appreciation to the SCCCA panel judges, led by Mr Lim Jim Koon, for their contributions to upholding the award's high standards.
  14. Our Singapore Chinese culture and art forms are uniquely Singaporean and a legacy we are all so proud of. Evolving over the years through meaningful interactions with many other ethnic cultures, the Singapore Chinese culture reflects a harmonious melding of diversity that adds richness to our local multi-cultural and heritage scene. This emanates from our shared values as Singaporeans – that every culture has much to learn and offer to one another. In appreciating and celebrating our cultural diversity, we come together to foster and nurture the development of our Singapore identity and multicultural roots.
  15. As President Tharman urged in his speech at SCCC’s Spring Reception earlier this year, let us preserve and deepen our multicultural heritage. As we do so, the distinctive character of our multicultural traditions is enhanced. This melting pot of shared understanding and practices strengthens our social harmony and enhances our shared identity as Singaporeans.
  16. To this end, the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre plays an important role in promoting Singapore Chinese culture. Its annual signature festival, Cultural Extravaganza, celebrates the Singapore Chinese culture and brings together different art forms and showcases them in fresh and interesting ways.
  17. This year’s festival theme, “(Re)presenting SINGAPO人 Treasures”, showcases the vibrant and distinctive Chinese Singaporean culture. Together with all of you, I look forward to tonight’s opening show, The Pawned Wife, presented by last year’s SCCCA organisation winner, Nam Hwa Opera. It features a blend of traditional Teochew opera and contemporary theatre, indeed a presentation of our Singaporean treasures – something you would not see in other parts of the world.
  18. Congratulations to SCCC and all the award recipients and nominees present today. Thank you for your invaluable contributions to Singapore’s Chinese Culture.
  19. I wish everyone a wonderful evening.
Last updated on 09 May 2024