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Bringing our Community of Success to New Heights

Speech by Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Minister-in-Charge of Muslim Affairs, Minister for Social and Family Development, Second Minister for Health at the Committee of Supply Debate 2024

  1. Our Malay/Muslim community has made significant strides over the decades. This is a result of the collective and steadfast effort of everyone in the community. As our ForwardSG conversations have highlighted, this sense of care and contribution by everyone - regardless of race, language or religion - is key to strengthening Singapore’s social compact. 

Community of Success 

2.         The Singapore Malay/Muslim Community’s vision of a Community of Success is underpinned by three Cs – Character, Competency and Citizenry. This is supported by M3, which marshals the strengths and resources of three institutions - Muis, MENDAKI and PA MESRA - and our community assets to better serve the needs and aspirations of our community. 

3.         It has been about five years since M3  was set up. Mr Saktiandi Supaat, Dr Syed Harun and Mr Faisal Manap asked about the progress and outcomes of M3. Through a more culturally nuanced approach that complements national efforts, we have been able to provide impactful programmes in fo the community. For example, through the Bersamamu programme, more than 26,000 couples have been supported by the Kadi and Naib Kadi or Muslim solemnisers to build stronger marriages. To Dr Syed Harun’s query, the number of new Malay drug abusers arrested has fallen from 513 in 2013, to 351 in 2023. The 2-year recidivism rate for Malay offenders has also improved over the past decade from 34.7% for the 2011 release cohort to 26% for the 2021 release cohort. The improvements have been made possible through complementary efforts by the Government and Mcommunity programmes like FITRAH to preventing reoffending.

4.         While it has been 5 years of M3, it would be too early to celebrate its success even as there are early and good indicators of it. We are continuing to review the impact of our programmes and will provide updates in due course. 

5.         What is clear is that M3 has importantly provided the structure to nurture a culture of contribution within the community. Volunteering, including through M3, is part of our national culture of volunteerism that is being celebrated by MSF this year. To Mr Fahmi Aliman’s and Dr Wan Rizal’s queries, we have mobilised volunteers across the 11 M3@Towns to deliver greater impact on the ground and support last mile delivery. With a dedicated pool of over 850 volunteers at the M3@Towns, M3 has been able to tackle some of the key issues faced by our community. 

Looking Ahead: Citizenry for a Community of Success

6.         How can we take our Community of Success to greater heights?  I believe this lies in a continued spirit of Citizenry, where we support one another to create a brighter future for our community and for Singapore, which my colleagues and I will speak more about today. 

7.         I will first share three strategies to fortify our Community of Success:

  1. First, encouraging a culture of giving back to build strong community institutions.
  2. Second, empowering confident religious and community leaders to face contemporary challenges; and 
  3. Third, exemplifying citizenry on the world stage. 

Chairman, in Malay please.

Menyumbang untuk membina institusi masyarakat masa hadapan yang kukuh

8.         Pertama, kita mesti terus memastikan dasar institusi-institusi agama kekal kukuh. Dengan itu, institusi agama dapat memberikan asas moral bagi masyarakat kita berkembang maju dalam sektor ekonomi.   

9.         Dr Syed Harun bertanya bagaimana Muis boleh terus menyokong keperluan masa depan masyarakat kita. Muis menubuhkan Wakaf Masyarakat Singapura atau WMS untuk menjana aliran dana yang mampan bagi menyokong pelbagai keperluan agama masyarakat pada masa hadapan, untuk generasi sekarang dan akan datang. Ini termasuk mendana keperluan masjid, membina keupayaan asatizah dan menyokong program kemasyarakatan yang lain.     

10.       Encik Sharael Taha dan Encik Zhulkarnain bertanya tentang rancangan untuk membina korpus WMS atau dana pokoknya. Di bawah ‘Pelan Pelaburan Wakaf Masjid’, masjid melaburkan rizab mereka dalam produk pelaburan yang mematuhi syariah untuk menghasilkan pulangan yang lebih baik. Sejauh ini, sebanyak 14 masjid di daerah barat telah melabur lebih $2.7 juta. Muis akan meluaskan inisiatif ini kepada semua masjid di daerah lain supaya bersama-sama mereka dapat menghasilkan dana yang lebih baik, untuk manfaat masyarakat.     

11.       Walaupun budaya bergotong royong amat sebati dengan masyarakat, kita perlu lebih teratur dan terarah dalam melipatgandakan usaha untuk menggalak masyarakat mempertingkat sumbangan bagi jangka panjang. Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Encik Zhulkarnain atas saranan beliau untuk menggalakkan lebih ramai menubuhkan dan menyumbang kepada wakaf. Kami akan bekerjasama dengan agensi-agensi yang berkaitan untuk mengkaji cadangannya. Menjawab pertanyaan Encik Sharael Taha dan Encik Zhulkarnain, Muis telah memulakan satu inisiatif pendidikan awam untuk melengkapkan masyarakat dengan pengetahuan dan alat-alat perancangan harta warisan  bagi keperluan peribadi dan keluarga. Mereka dapat merancang dan menyumbang rezeki serta harta kekayaan lebihan kepada WMS, demi kebaikan masyarakat dan pulangan pahala yang berkekalan, InsyaAllah. 

12.       Syukur, sejak tahun lalu, Muis telah menerima ikrar kepada WMS bernilai lebih $3.6 juta daripada orang perseorangan selain pelaburan masjid-masjid. Saya gembira dengan sambutan masyarakat setakat ini, dan menggalak lebih ramai untuk menyumbang atau berikrar kepada WMS. 

13.       Encik Faisal Manap bertanya tentang penggunaan Dana Pembinaan Masjid dan MENDAKI (MBMF). Dana Pembinaan Masjid menyediakan peruntukan bagi pembangunan semua masjid, termasuk pembinaan, peningkatan dan penyenggaraan, di mana peruntukan dana itu bergantung kepada keperluan khusus setiap masjid. Bagi semua masjid baru, semua kos tanah dan pembangunan dibiayai MBMF. MBMF juga boleh menampung sehingga 75 peratus kos peningkatan masjid.

14. Saya harap sumbangan kepada WMS akan juga memupuk budaya menyumbang yang lebih mendalam dalam masyarakat kita. SMS Zaqy akan menjelaskan bagaimana kita boleh memperkasa masyarakat melalui inisiatif MENDAKI, dan dengan kejayaan yang kita dicapai, kita bersemangat untuk menyumbang kembali. SPS Rahayu pula akan berkongsi cara memanfaatkan pelbagai peluang untuk menabur bakti menerusi Msebagai masyarakat yang terdidik dan berbakat. 

Memperkasa barisan pemimpin agama dan masyarakat yang yakin menghadapi cabaran kontemporari 

15.       Kedua, penting bagi para pemimpin agama dan masyarakat kita untuk terus dibekalkan dengan ilmu, kemahiran dan pengalaman supaya cekap memberi bimbingan kepada masyarakat kita mengharungi cabaran-cabaran mendatang. Ini termasuk membangunkan kecekapan pelajar madrasah kita yang bakal menjadi pemimpin agama masyarakat  kelak, seperti yang dikatakan Dr Syed Harun tadi.

16.       Sejak beberapa tahun lalu, barisan asatizah kita telah membimbing masyarakat menghadapi isu-isu yang rumit, seperti pemakaian tudung dan pemansuhan Kanun Jenayah Seksyen 377A. 

Membangunkan gedung-gedung ilmu selaras dengan konteks setempat

17.       Cik Nadia Samdin bertanya tentang rancangan untuk memperkasa asatizah membimbing masyarakat menghadapi isu-isu kontemporari. 

18.       Sebagai masyarakat Islam minoriti, kita menghadapi cabaran yang berbeza jika dibandingkan dengan negara-negara majoriti Islam. Dalam hal ini, saya bersetuju dengan Dr Syed Harun bahawa Muis dan asatizah kita mesti menampilkan kepimpinan dan bimbingan yang jelas bagi masyarakat Islam minoriti kita yang hidup dalam konteks kontemporari. 

19.       Muis telah mengambil usaha bersepadu dalam membangunkan gedung-gedung ilmu, dan satu usaha baru-baru ini ialah Persidangan Fatwa dalam Masyarakat Kontemporari bulan lalu. Para cendekiawan agama ulung dari dalam dan luar negara membincangkan kepentingan institusi fatwa dan peranan asatizah dalam menyediakan huraian yang kukuh lagi menyeluruh dalam menghadapi cabaran kontemporari yang semakin rumit. Walaupun Singapura hanya sebuah negara kecil dengan masyarakat Islam minoriti, institusi Islam tersohor dunia seperti Darul Ifta' dari Mesir mengiktiraf sumbangan negara kita dalam membina gedung-gedung ilmu agama. Ini dapat memudahkan masyarakat minoriti Islam sejagat berkembang maju dalam konteks unik masing-masing. Malah ia dapat memupuk semangat kewarganegaraan yang aktif dalam masyarakatnya. Ini sejajar dengan kata-kata mutiara yang dikongsi Mufti Besar Mesir di Persidangan Fatwa bahawa masyarakat Islam minoriti perlu mencernakan konsep kewarganegaraan. 

20.       Bagi terus meningkatkan pembangunan para pemimpin agama kita dan pembinaan gedung-gedung ilmu yang bertepatan dengan konteks, Muis akan menganjurkan edisi kedua Persidangan Antarabangsa Masyarakat Gemilang (ICCOS) Oktober ini. Persidangan ini akan memberi tumpuan kepada semangat kewarganegaraan dan kepimpinan masyarakat yang berpandukan nilai-nilai agama, dan menyumbang kepada pembinaan gedung-gedung ilmu mengenai masyarakat Islam minoriti yang maju dalam masyarakat majmuk. 

Membina Keupayaan untuk Menyokong Masyarakat 

21.       Dalam masa yang sama, kita juga harus mempertingkatkan keupayaan para pemimpin masyarakat kita untuk membantu keluarga dan masyarakat dengan lebih berkesan. 

22.       Encik Fahmi Aliman bertanya tentang usaha untuk mempertingkatkan kemahiran para Kadi, Naib Kadi dan asatizah wanita kita dalam program Bersamamu. Lebih 90% daripada mereka telah menjalani latihan untuk membimbing pasangan dengan lebih baik dalam membuat persediaan bagi memperkukuh kewangan rumah tangga. Ini membantu mereka membina keyakinan dan empati dalam membimbing pasangan. Kami akan membangunkan kemahiran mereka dalam bidang lain, supaya mereka boleh memberi sokongan yang lebih berkesan kepada para pasangan.

23.       Kami bakal menyambut ulang tahun Bersamamu yang ke lima lewat tahun ini. Program Bersamamu tidak mungkin berjaya tanpa usaha gigih para Kadi, Naib Kadi dan asatizah wanita kita. 

Demonstrating Citizenry on the World Stage

24.       Mr Chairman, as a Community of Success, we take pride not only in actively contributing to society. We also can demonstrate active citizenry on the world stage and bring distinction to our minority Muslim community and to Singapore. 

25.       Last year, Singapore signed our first Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to mutually recognise halal certificates with Saudi Arabia. Such MoUs not only allow for halal-certified products from other countries to enter Singapore, but for Singapore companies to bring their halal-certified products overseas. To Mr Zhulkarnain’s query, Muis works with our economic agencies to do so. Muis will also explore opportunities for our asatizah to be involved in halal-related industries.  

26.       Mr Zhulkarnain also asked about the significance of this MoU for our minority Muslim community. The MoU with Saudi Arabia is the first MoU they have signed with a country where Muslims are not the majority. This reflects the strong trust and confidence in our halal standards. More than just expanding business prospects, the MoU has enabled Singapore’s minority Muslim community to stand tall in the world. 

27.       I was glad to join some Singapore business leaders to explore opportunities in Saudi Arabia in January. One of them was Mr Jimmy Soh, Managing Director of Growers Agri which exports rice and noodles, who shared with me that the MoU was a valuable commitment in promoting Singapore brands to the world. 

28.       Beyond the MoU with Saudi Arabia, Muis has signed similar MoUs with the United Arab Emirates and Jordan, and are looking to do the same with other countries. 

29.       Beyond efforts to strengthen halal cooperation, our minority Muslim community also contributes at the global stage, with how our religious leaders and institutions are internationally recognised for their thought leadership. Our Mufti Dr Nazirudin was recently appointed to the Forum for Research and Studies on Fatwas for Muslim Minorities, a world-renowned body of Islamic scholars founded by Egypt’s Darul Ifta’, led by the Grand Mufti of Egypt. The Congress plans to showcase Singapore’s exemplary model for Muslim minorities to a global audience. We hope that our model of thriving Muslim minorities in a modern, plural society will inspire other communities and pave the way for fostering peace and harmony globally. 


30.       Mr Chairman, as a community that has done well, it is our mutual responsibility to contribute both within our community and to wider society, as well as beyond our shores. It is when every one of us does our part as active citizens, that we can advance and scale greater heights, and together, be a Community of Success for the future.   

English Translation 

Giving back to build strong community institutions for the future 

8.         First, we must continue to ensure strong foundations for our religious institutions. In turn, our religious institutions provide the moral foundation for our commmunity to thrive in the economy. 

9.         Dr Syed Harun asked how Muis can continue to support our community’s future needs. Muis established the Singapore Community Wakaf or Wakaf Masyarakat Singapura (WMS) to generate a sustainable funding stream to support the future religious needs of the community, for the current and future generation. These include our mosques, developing our asatizah and other community programmes.

10.       Mr Sharael Taha and Mr Zhulkarnain asked about the plans to build the corpus for WMS. Under the Mosque Wakaf Investment Plan, mosques invest their reserves in Shariah Compliant Investment Products to generate better returns. Thus far, 14 mosques from District West have collectively invested more than $2.37 million. Muis will expand this initiative to all mosques in other districts, so that they can grow their funds and amplify their impact on the community.

11.       While the spirit of gotong-royong has been part of our community’s DNA, we need to be more organised and focused in multiplying efforts to encourage our community to contribute for the long term. I thank Mr Zhulkarnainfor his suggestion on encouraging more to create and contribute to wakaf, and we will work with the relevant agenices to study these proposals. To Mr Sharael Taha’s and Mr Zhulkarnain’s queries, Muis has embarked on a series of public education initiatives to equip the community with legacy planning knowledge and tools to plan for their personal and family needs. This better prepares them to contribute their excess wealth for the greater good of the community through WMS, and reap perpetual rewards in the afterlife. God-willing. 

12.       Besides the investment of mosques, Muis has received more than $3.6 million in WMS pledges from individuals since last year. I am heartened by the community’s response, and encourage more to contribute. 

13.       Mr Faisal Manap asked about the use of MBMF for our mosques. The Mosque Building Fund provides for the development of all mosques, including building, upgrading and maintenance, where the funds are subject to the specific needs of each mosque. For all new mosques, all land and building cost come from MBMF. MBMF also supports up to 75% of the approved cost for mosque upgrading.

14.       I hope that contributions to WMS will help to foster a stronger culture of giving back within our community. SMS Zaqy will elaborate on how we can empower our community through MENDAKI’s initiatives, and with the success achieved, we can contribute more actively. SPS Rahayu will share ways we can leverage opportunities for contribution through M3 as an educated and talented community. 

Empowering confident religious and community leaders to face contemporary challenges

14.       Second, it is critical for our religious and community leaders to continue to have the knowledge, skills and opportunities so that they are competent in guiding our community navigate the challenges ahead. This includes developing our madrasah students who will be our future religious leaders, as Dr Syed Harun mentioned.

15.       In recent years, our asatizah have guided the community through difficult issues, such as the wearing of the tudung and the repeal of Section 377A of the Penal Code.

Grow Contextualised Bodies of Knowledge 

16.       Ms Nadia Samdin asked about our plans to empower our asatizah to guide the community through contemporary issues.  

17.       As a minority Muslim community, we face a different set of challenges compared to Muslim majority countries. In this regard, I agree with Dr Syed Harun that Muis and our asatizah must provide clear leadership and guidance for our minority Muslim community living in such a contemporary context.  

18.       Muis has taken concerted efforts in this area, and one recent initiative is the Fatwa in Contemporary Societies Conference held last month. Eminent religious scholars from around the world came together to discuss the importance of the fatwa institution and asatizah in providing robust solutions in the face of complex contemporary challenges. Though a small state with a minority Muslim community, premier and renowned Islamic institutions like Egypt’s Darul Ifta’ recognised Singapore’s contributions in building contextualised bodies of knowledge. This not only facilitate minority Muslims to thrive in their respective contexts, but nurture active citizenry in society. This is in line with the words of wisdom by the Grand Mufti of Egypt at the Fatwa Conference that minority Muslim communities should embody and exemplify the spirit of active citizenry.

19.       To further drive the development of our religious leaders and contextualised bodies of knowledge, Muis will convene the second edition of the International Conference on Communities of Success (ICCOS) this October. This Conference will focus on how citizenry and community leadership are underpinned by religious values, and add to the body of knowledge of how minority Muslim communities can thrive in multireligious societies. 

Build Capabilities for Community Support 

20.       At the same time, we must also raise the capabilities of our community leaders to offer effective support to families and the community. 

21.       Mr Fahmi Aliman asked about our efforts to strengthen the competencies of our Kadi, Naib Kadi and female asatizah on the Bersamamu programme. More than 90% of them have undergone training to better guide couples in conversations on financial preparedness for marriage, which helped them be more confident and empathetic in guiding couples. We will further develop their competencies in other areas, so that they can provide more effective support to couples.

22.       We will be commemorating the 5th anniversary of Bersamamu later this year. The success of Bersamamu would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of our volunteer Kadi, Naib Kadi and female asatizah. 

Last updated on 07 March 2024