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Celebrating our distinct Singapore Chinese culture

Speech by Ms Low Yen Ling, Minister of State, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth & Ministry of Trade and Industry, at the Opening of the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC) Cultural Extravaganza 2023, Singapore Chinese Cultural Contribution Award (SCCCA) Ceremony and SCCC-Singapore Chinese Orchestra MoU Signing Ceremony, on 12 May 2023

  1. 很高兴今晚为一年一度的《华彩》开幕,以及颁发第六届的新加坡华族文化贡献奖。今晚,我们也将见证新加坡华族文化中心与新加坡华乐团,正式签署合作谅解备忘录,联手开创本地华族文化独特、崭新的绚丽风采。
  2. 《华彩》艺术节是展示新加坡本土华族文化的年度盛会,今年已经步入第六届了!这个艺术节由文化、社区及青年部支持,新加坡华族文化中心主办,为期一个多月的艺术盛会,将通过11项涵盖音乐、舞蹈、戏曲;集合戏剧、诗歌、书画、手工艺等等的精彩节目,以跨文化、跨形式和跨时代的表演,希望展现本土华族文化的多元与精彩,加强社区的认同感和凝聚力。
  3. 今年《华彩》的标语是:华丽重现,代代精彩,以“传承”和“创新”为主题。今晚的开场演出:《今后》,就是一场独具创意的跨文化视觉和听觉飨宴,通过传统华族乐器、印度舞蹈以及广东戏曲的巧妙结合,展现了我国独特多元的文化风景线。
  4. 成立于2017年的新加坡华族文化贡献奖,旨在表彰对打造独特新加坡华族文化,而做出卓越贡献的个人和团体,同时也希望鼓励更多艺术工作者加入创作的行列,创造出更多国人熟悉,并且能够引起共鸣的作品。我也希望借这个平台代表文社青部和相关的部门诚挚恭贺今年的个人奖及团体奖得主, 也就是吴文德先生还有南华潮剧社。希望大家继续努力,一起保留和传承我国独特的华族文化。
  5. 在此我也要感谢由林任君先生带领、劳苦功高的评审委员会,感恩大家拨出宝贵的时间进行选评工作,协力促进本地华族文化的发展。
  6. 在这方面,新加坡华乐团也扮演着一个举足轻重的角色。华乐团正式成立26年来,一直致力于传承、推广和发展本地华族音乐的丰富遗产。华族文化中心和华乐团,近在咫尺。 其实他们都是邻居,两家机构一向来合作就十分紧密,今天很高兴有机会见证华族文化中心和华乐团,正式签署合作备忘录,希望两家机构能进一步深化合作,创造出更多更具有代表性的作品,为新加坡谱写出更多元、壮丽的乐章。
  7. 接下来,我将以英语发言。
  8. Good evening and a warm welcome to the Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre (SCCC). I am happy to join you here today for the opening of Cultural Extravaganza 2023. Today, we will honour the recipients of the Singapore Chinese Cultural Contribution Award (SCCCA) and witness the signing of the MOU (memorandum of understanding) between SCCC and the Singapore Chinese Orchestra (SCO). 
  9. SCCC plays an instrumental role in shaping our multicultural landscape and promoting our distinctive Singapore Chinese culture. The Centre has, in many ways, enhanced the rich diversity of our Singapore heritage. For example, through festivals such as the Cultural Extravaganza and awards like the SCCCA, as well as strategic partnerships with institutions such as the SCO, the SCCC celebrates and showcases the unique Singapore Chinese culture that continues to evolve and develop vibrantly.
  10. SCCC’s signature festival, the Cultural Extravaganza, has earned, in a short span of six years, a loyal following as a much-anticipated mainstay in our local arts and culture calendar. This year, the extravaganza offers an exciting range of cross-cultural, cross-disciplinary and cross-generational programmes that span performances, concerts, talks, an exhibition and a TV festival. The festival theme “(Re)presenting Culture Across Generations”, highlights the importance of preserving and passing on our rich culture and heritage to different generations of Singaporeans. Tonight’s opening show, entitled Present Past, is a wonderful example of how traditional Chinese instruments, Indian dance and Cantonese opera can come together harmoniously in a showcase of our shared culture and experiences. I think this is what makes Singapore’s Chinese culture special. This is one of the many ways the SCCC is, through the arts, building empathy, understanding and greater appreciation among Singaporeans, of the rich and diverse cultures we enjoy here.  
  11. This year, we continue to celebrate the distinct Singapore Chinese culture and heritage with the 6th edition of the SCCCA. Established in 2017, the award recognises individuals and organisations that have made exceptional contributions towards the promotion, transmission, enrichment, and development of the Singapore Chinese culture. On behalf of the Singapore government and MCCY family, allow us to extend our heartiest congratulations to this year’s award recipients – Mr Goh Boon Teck, a talented Director, playwright and designer, as well as established Teochew opera company, Nam Hwa Opera. Their invaluable contributions to the arts and culture scene have enhanced our heritage and cultural landscape greatly.
  12. I would also like to express my appreciation to the SCCCA judging panel led by Mr Lim Jim Koon for your contributions in maintaining the high standards of the award.
  13. Last year, the award nomination criteria for SCCCA was expanded to include for-profit as well as non-profit organisations. With this tweak, we hope more Singaporeans will continue to step forward and contribute to the growth of the Singapore Chinese culture.
  14. Music is one of the key platforms to foster a greater appreciation of our culture and heritage. The SCO is instrumental in preserving and promoting the enjoyment of Chinese music as well as the Singapore Chinese culture. It also explores new and innovative approaches in its performances. Today’s collaboration between SCCC and SCO is a positive one which will see the two cultural institutions working closely together in areas like programming, business continuity and shared services. We hope their partnership will lead to more dynamic and engaging cultural experiences coming our way. 
  15. In closing, I would like to express my appreciation to SCCC for making this festival possible. To SCCC, SCO and all the award recipients present today, we want to say a big thank you for your invaluable contributions to Singapore’s Chinese Culture.
  16. I wish everyone an enjoyable night ahead.
Last updated on 15 May 2023