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ITE & Potato Productions MOU Signing with RVI Pre-Launch Event

Closing Remarks by Mr Eric Chua, Senior Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth & Ministry of Social and Family Development, at the ITE & Potato Productions MOU Signing with RVI Pre-Launch Event on 22 November 2023

Ms Low Khah Gek, Chief Executive Officer, Institute of Technical Education,

Ms Sheila Manokaran, Co-Founder, River Valley Irregulars,

Industry Partners,



Students, Staff, and Distinguished Guests,

  1. Good morning. It is my pleasure to join you here today.
  2. Developing partnerships and pathways

  3. Today, we gather to celebrate two significant milestones: First, the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between ITE and Potato Productions.
  4. The MOU is significant, as it represents commitment by both ITE and Potato Productions, to work actively together, as they have in the past two-and-a-half years, to shape developmental opportunities and pathways for ITE students, all whom I am a very big fan of. Some of you may know that I mentored ITE students for eight years before joining politics in 2020. ITE students here today – I hope that even though your path is irregular, you can show the world what you’re made of. And you’re really made of quite a bit of substance.
  5. Through the wide portfolio of companies under Potato Productions, we can expect new and exciting character development workshops, internships, and project matching opportunities for students in the coming months. Covering topics from digital content to education, students will be aligned with the purpose of using technology and creativity for the common good.
  6. I am confident that many of you will find these experiences eye-opening and useful in complementing your learning experience with ITE.
  7. Second, we are also here to celebrate the soft launch of the River Valley Irregulars (RVI) digital youth platform. RVI, as its name suggests, is a youth tech start-up that aims to empower youths as they seek out unconventional or ‘irregular’ pathways in life.
  8. The RVI platform will serve as a one-stop station for youths to connect with organisations and seek out new projects, internships and tailored opportunities. Through RVI, youths will also be part of a larger community of like-minded young people, that are emboldened to chart their future through the process of skills development and self-discovery.
  9. I am especially proud to share that RVI was founded by an ITE alumni, Ms Sheila. Her work and philosophy through RVI is a powerful testament to the strong potential and capabilities of ITE students, in achieving what you set your mind to.
  10. RVI aims to support over 9,000 students on the platform in the coming year, as part of the ITE and Potato Productions MOU. I extend my heartiest appreciation to Sheila and her team, the various corporates and start-ups under Potato Productions, and ITE, for their generosity in supporting and developing our next generation of young leaders.
  11. Steering the way forward

  12. It is not easy to be a student and a young adult today. When I was young – that was in the 80s and 90s – I didn’t have to curate my social media profile to make sure I looked pristine and perfect in the online world. I didn’t have society’s expectations to live up to in terms of body types; I didn’t feel compelled to spend hours in the gym. The world is increasingly complex to navigate. There are many new challenges at every turn, with no easy solutions. There may be difficult moments, even times where you may find yourself at a dead end, unsure of what to do next.
  13. It will not be an easy journey, it’s not a bed of roses, but I am confident that you can rise to the task of living life to the fullest. It’s no secret that I am a big supporter of ITE students. All of you have potential and talent that you bring to the table. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Sometimes it takes a bit of time to find out what you’re really passionate about in life. For me, I took over thirty years, so if you’re taking less time than that, you’re already faster than I. Find out what resonates with you, then seek out opportunities like the ones we are launching today, and grow along with these opportunities.
  14. Then seek out and build deep connections when you meet others. Treasure every opportunity you have to meet new folks and like-minded individuals. Lean on people’s strengths to learn, network, and sharpen your knowledge of the world. Find leaders, mentors – believe me, there’s a whole host of mentors out there, well-meaning and big-hearted, generous with their time and learning. Life is too short to learn everything by experience, particularly our mistakes. So if you can learn from other people’s experiences and mistakes, you’re taking a shortcut. Trust me – there are many mentors out there who are willing to share their experiences and wisdom. I had the privilege of walking with many mentees, I think almost ten of them, across eight years. And I still keep in touch with my mentees, even today. So I hope you can also find your willing heart, your mentor. Find a buddy along the way as well – because on this journey, it’s good to have compatriots and friends.
  15. Conclusion

  16. I hope that one day you will also look back at ITE, which I’m sure has served as the foundation of your education, supporting your school-to-work transition through working with partners like Potato Productions and RVI, forming bridges that can connect you to opportunities ahead. All that’s left is for you to steer your journey forward.
  17. On that note, I wish you all well. Godspeed. Thank you very much.
Last updated on 06 December 2023