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Bringing together regional youths to promote mutual understanding and strong friendships

Speech by Ms Grace Fu, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth, at the 43rd SSEAYP ASEAN-Japan Carnival

Participating Youths of the 43rd SSEAYP
Volunteers of the SSEAYP International Singapore
Host Families

Ladies and Gentlemen

  1. I’d like to extend a warm welcome to our visiting friends from the 43rd Ship for Southeast Asian and Japanese Youth Programme or SSEAYP (pronounced as “See-ah-up”) for short. To our Singapore Contingent, a very warm welcome home!
  2. We are delighted to welcome the Nippon Maru, with its 300 youths from ASEAN and Japan, back to Singapore this year.   This year is also significant as we celebrate the 49th Anniversary of the founding of ASEAN, and 50 years of diplomatic relations between Singapore and Japan.

    SSEAYP brings together diverse youths from the region, and promotes mutual understanding and strong friendships

  3. To the participating youths of the 43rd SSEAYP – you, like thousands of other SSEAYP participants, have the special opportunity to establish friendships with peers beyond your home country. Together, you will experience new adventures, create shared memories, and gain fresh perspectives.
  4.  Friendship born from such mutual respect is very important, especially in a world that is increasingly polarised by race, religion, values and worldviews. Through initiatives like SSEAYP, we affirm the value of how sharing different viewpoints can help us find new possibilities and solutions for a better future.
  5. To harness the power of diversity, we need to go from just tolerating our differences, to gaining an appreciation for each other’s strengths. Historically, the relationship between ASEAN member states (AMS), and between AMS and Japan, have not been trouble free. Yet, if we take a step back and look beyond our differences, we will discover that there are similarities in our heritage, in our religions and in our history. That said, when problems arise, we need to be reminded of our shared interests. This is why SSEAYP is an important initiative - it builds a strong foundation for inter-regional relations, reinforces the ideals of unity and openness, and helps prevent a recurrence of conflicts. These relationships will enable us to build a world that is resilient against forces that divide.

    Singapore supports our youths in giving back, and making a better future for the communities in the region

  6. As a nation, Singapore is committed to strengthening the spirit of co-operation and mutual support, both within Singapore and in the region. Our National Youth Council supports youths in spearheading projects that make a difference in our region through key initiatives such as the Youth Corps Singapore and the Singapore-ASEAN Youth Fund. Each year, our National Youth Council facilitates overseas programmes for an estimated 5,000 youths. Many of these programmes enable youths to give back to the ASEAN community through projects that enhance infrastructure, or share language, health and life skills. For example, just two months ago, a group of optometry students from Singapore Polytechnic brought eye care services to a local community in Vietnam. This was part of the annual Gift of Sight project, which has travelled to Laos, Myanmar and Indonesia.


  7. SSEAYP has been an invaluable platform to grow cultural and social awareness, and seed youth leadership around the region. I would like to thank the Japanese Government for their generous sponsorship of this programme.
  8. I would also like to express my sincere appreciation to SSEAYP International Singapore, and the families participating in the home-stay programme – our Singapore Spirit shines brightly in the warmth and generosity you are showing our young regional guests. May this too, be the starting point of another set of long-term friendships.
  9. Last but not least, I wish all participants and officials of the 43rd SSEAYP an enjoyable time in Singapore. I am sure you will make fond memories here, and hope you will come back to visit us again soon. When the time comes for you to leave our shores for your next port of call, I wish you a safe and enriching onward journey. Thank you and have a lovely stay in Singapore.
Last updated on 24 April 2019