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An extraordinary 8th ASEAN Para Games

Speech by Ms Grace Fu, Minister for Culture, Community and Youth and Chairperson of the Singapore ASEAN Para Games Organising Committee at the Closing Ceremony of the 8th ASEAN Para Games

Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, 
Your Excellencies,
Members of the ASEAN Para Sports Federation, 

Distinguished Guests, 
Ladies and gentlemen, 

  1. Good evening. Welcome to the closing ceremony and dinner of the 8th ASEAN Para Games.  
  2. One week ago, we set out to “Celebrate the Extraordinary”. Indeed, our athletes have shown us what it means to be truly extraordinary
  3. The athletes and officials have done your countries proud. You have given us fantastic performances that will stay in our minds for a long time. Just last night, our very own swimmer Yip Pin Xiu, swimming against competitors three classes above her, broke the world record for the Women’s 50 metres backstroke.  
  4. You have shown us that the APG is not only about winning and sporting excellence. It is about resilience and the indomitable human spirit. Malaysian swimmer Yeo Yi Lin collapsed moments before her 400 metres freestyle race, but nevertheless carried on and finished the race. Jason Chee rose to the occasion and won 1 Gold and 1 Silver for Singapore barely 3 years after his tragic accident. Jason we love you. Your fighting spirit epitomise the values of the APG.
  5. The APG is also about friendship. We saw athletes from different countries come together for impromptu singing sessions in the Nila Suite. During the wheelchair basketball match between Thailand and Singapore, the Thai players were quick to help their competitors who had fallen over to get back in the game. The spirit of friendship has made the Games even more meaningful. 
  6. What has made the APG extraordinary is also the warmth and exceptional service shown by our volunteers and staff. Team Nila has made a big difference to the experience of the Games. The visitors are full of praise for the volunteers and organisers. Many staff and teams have worked long hours behind the scene to ensure that the Games run smoothly. To our Team Nila volunteers and staff, a big thank you for your endless enthusiasm and tireless dedication.
  7. Last but not least, I acknowledge the supporters, coaches, assistants who came to cheer and support our athletes. To our Singapore fans, thank you for standing together as One Team Singapore. Your strong support has helped make this our strongest showing in the APG so far. 
  8. It has been Singapore’s honour to host this Games. It has truly been our privilege to be touched and inspired by the courage and determination of our athletes. As Mr. Sivaganesh put it in his letter to The Straits Times today, “I saw athletes who wore their hearts on their sleeves, don their national jerseys with overwhelming pride and played their hearts out” and went on to say that “our children need to see our athletes’ endeavours and performances, hear their stories and understand the true human spirit that transcends disability.” This is indeed the legacy of the APG that you have left behind. I speak for many Singaporeans when I say that what we have experienced in the past week, the life lessons that we have learnt from you, we will remember and cherish for many years to come.  
  9. On behalf of the Singapore ASEAN Para Games Organising Committee, thank you all once again for making the 8th ASEAN Para Games a success.  
  10. To our friends from ASEAN, with sadness we bid you goodbye but hope that we shall meet again soon.  Have a safe journey home. Thank you everyone.  
Last updated on 28 March 2019