Christmas is not so much about opening our presents as it is about opening our hearts
Speech by Mr Lawrence Wong, Acting Minister for Culture, Community Youth, at the Christmas Concert 2013
21 December 2013
Bishop Terry Kee, President of the National Council of Churches,
Dean Kuan Kim Seng, Celebrate Christmas In Singapore (CCIS) Events Chairman,
CCIS Board of Directors,
Distinguished Guests,
Ladies and Gentlemen.
- Merry Christmas to everyone!
- This is a special time of year for our Christian friends, who celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. It is also a happy occasion for many Singaporeans from all walks of life, as we gather to spend time with one another, to reflect on the year gone by and to look forward to the new year ahead.
- We are very grateful to Celebrate Christmas In Singapore (CCIS) having put together this Christmas celebration for ten years. This year is a very special milestone. Over the years, the celebration has grown bigger with more acts from the region coming to celebrate with us.
- Christmas is a season of love and hope. As the saying goes, Christmas is not a date in the calendar; it is a mindset. It is not so much about opening our presents as it is about opening our hearts. So I am glad that this year, CCIS is reaching out to 1,000 less fortunate children from different cultural backgrounds, from all races and religions, to grant their Christmas wishes. I thank all those who have given generously to this cause. I hope your gesture will inspire more Singaporeans to experience the joy of giving, by extending a helping hand to the less fortunate among us.
- On that note, I wish everyone a blessed Christmas, and enjoy the concert.
- Thank you very much.