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Singaporeans encouraged to display National Flag from 1 July to 30 September 2023 as part of National Day celebrations

Displaying the National Flag during the National Day celebrations period (1 July to 30 September 2023)

  1. In celebration of Singapore’s 58th National Day this year, all Singaporeans are encouraged to display the National Flag during the National Day celebration period from 1 July 2023 to 30 September 2023.
  2. During this period, all organisations and households may display the National Flag at their offices, building premises, and residential premises. The Rules for flying and displaying the National Flag are relaxed during this period - the Flag may be flown without a flagpole and night illumination.
  3. The National Flag is Singapore’s most visible symbol of statehood and a symbol of our national unity and resilience. It should be treated with respect, and used in an appropriate and dignified manner. Torn or worn-out Flags should not be displayed and should be packed into a sealed black trash bag before being disposed of. The full guidelines on the display and use of the Flag can be viewed at:
  4. The National Symbols Act, which will replace the existing Singapore Arms and Flag and National Anthem (SAFNA) Act governing use of the Flag and other National Symbols, was passed in Parliament on 13 September 2022 after a series of public engagements. The legislation provides a framework to promote appropriate use of the National Symbols, while allowing for their wider use by Singaporeans to express national pride and solidarity. More information on the commencement of the National Symbols Act, subsidiary legislation and accompanying guidelines for the National Symbols will be released soon.
Last updated on 30 June 2023