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Guidelines for Volunteer Management During COVID-19 Pandemic

  1. It has been two months since we last rationalised our Safe Management Measures (SMMs). Thanks to everyone’s efforts, we weathered the Omicron BA.5 subvariant wave without additional domestic or travel restrictions. Infection numbers in the community have steadily declined across all age groups since late July, and the week-on-week infection ratio has fallen below 0.7.
  2. As this wave passes, our population has become more COVID-resilient, due to high vaccination and boosting rates and safe recovery from infections, we are now able to take another step towards living with COVID-19. Changes to SMMs were announced by the Ministry of Health on 24 August 20221. The last version of the Guidelines dated 26 April 2022 will cease effect from 29 August 2022.
  3. Volunteers continue to play a key role in supporting the vulnerable segments in the community. Volunteer Host Organisations (VHOs)2 enlisting volunteers to respond to community needs should do so in accordance with any prevailing SMMs and guidelines for the specific sector3. Mask-wearing will be optional in indoor settings, except when travelling on public transport and in healthcare setting. Mask-wearing required as part of sector regulations will continue to apply4.
  4. Volunteers should continue to exercise personal and social responsibility and adhere to all safe management measures and vaccination requirements as required by the VHO. Mask-wearing is encouraged when visiting or interacting with vulnerable persons. This is to minimise the risk of transmission between volunteers and vulnerable service users.
  5. VHOs must continue to ensure the safety and well-being of their volunteers. The volunteers should be informed about the risks, and the measures taken by the VHO to protect them. VHOs shall also actively seek feedback from volunteers and help to address their concerns, if any.
  6. We thank all community partners and volunteers who have come together to shape a caring and united Singapore. With everyone playing their part and supporting each other, we can overcome this pandemic and emerge safer and stronger together. 
  7. For clarifications or enquires, VHOs can write in to



2VHOs refer to organisations that involve volunteers in their activities such as Social Service Agencies (SSAs), ground up groups, religious organisations and other community groups.

3For sector specific guidelines, refer to


Last updated on 26 August 2022