Note: This supersedes the earlier guidelines for volunteer management during COVID-19 pandemic, dated 28 December 2020.
Volunteering Activities |
Approach |
a. Volunteering activities supporting |
Inform NCSS via this link, and adhere to safe management measures |
b. Volunteering activities to support |
Conduct volunteer activities, involving groups of up to any five persons, with no inter-mingling across groups, and adhere to safe management measures |
Issued by:
Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth
2 VHOs refer to organisations that involve volunteers in their activities such as Social Service Agencies (SSAs), ground up groups, religious organisations and other community groups.
3 Refer to MSF Advisory on Essential Aid Distribution Against COVID-19 (5 May 2021)
4 For sector specific guidelines, refer to
5 Should there be a need to conduct home visits, limit visits to not more than five persons at any one time, with a cap of five distinct visitors per household per day in accordance with MOH’s guidelines on household visits from 8 May 2021. During the home visits, maintain at least 1m distance from the beneficiary and limit each visit to ≤1 hour. Staff/volunteers should don surgical mask and practise hand hygiene before/ after each home visit. During the home visit, residents and family members should also wear a mask as far as possible.
6 The Courage Fund provides a relief of $3,000 to community volunteers (non-healthcare workers who stepped up to contribute to the overall effort to fight COVID-19 and are not financially compensated for their efforts) who have contracted COVID-19 while providing services.