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Additional measures for community activities in light of heightened alert to manage COVID transmission, and support for the sector

This document provides a summary of measures that will impact community activities under MCCY sectors during Phase Two (Heightened Alert) from 16 May through 13 June 2021.

  1. The Multi-Ministry Task Force (MTF) have announced a further tightening of measures following the recent clusters of infections and an emerging pattern of local unlinked community cases. Effective from 16 May 2021 to 13 June 2021, this tightening will impact several sectors under the purview of MCCY, as well as groups and individuals working in these sectors. However, these tighter measures are necessary for Singapore to quickly contain the situation to prevent an escalation, and to protect the safety of our community. MCCY has put together support for these sectors to assist them to make the adjustments during this period.

    Summary of measures for MCCY sectors

  2. The key measures that will impact MCCY sectors are as follows:

    Live Performances
  3. All indoor and outdoor live performances should be deferred. Live performances which have been publicised before 5 May 2021 and which are scheduled to take place from 8 May through 13 Jun 2021 may only proceed with approval from MTI.
  4. From 16 May 2021, audiences will be capped at 100 persons with pre-event testing (PET), and up to 50 persons without PET. All performers must be properly masked at all times on stage. Singing or playing of instruments that require intentional expulsion of air (e.g. wind and brass instruments) will not be permitted at all times.

    Digital productions and associated rehearsals
  5. Recording of digital productions and their associated rehearsals are limited to 15 performers and crew on stage and backstage at any given time. This includes a maximum of 10 unmasked performers (of which no more than two persons can sing or play wind/brass instruments).
  6. Arts and cultural organisations must notify NAC of their plans before proceeding with their digital productions and associated rehearsals.

    Arts and culture classes, lectures, talks and workshops
  7. All speakers, participants and instructors in arts and culture classes, lectures, talks and workshops must be properly masked at all times. Activities that cannot be conducted with masks on must be suspended. There are to be no classes in singing or wind and brass instruments, even if masked. Face shields are not permitted substitutes for proper masks.

    The National Arts Council has released more details on the above:

  8. Arts and heritage venues such as museums can continue operations, but at a reduced capacity of 25%. Tours within museum premises may be conducted for a maximum group size of 20 persons (excluding guide), with maximum of two persons allowed in any one sub-group, with all other prevailing safe management measures in place such as social distancing.

    The National Heritage Board has released more details on the above:

    Sporting activities
  9. Capacity limits for indoor and outdoor facilities have been amended to one person per 16sqm, or 50 persons, whichever is lower. This is to ensure there is even more space between people who are exercising, to minimise risk of transmission. 

    a) Indoor facilities
  10. In line with the measure to cease all indoor “mask-off” activities, only non-strenuous activities can continue in all indoor sports venues, and participants must be masked at all times. Activities which will result in participants lowering their masks to catch a breath will not be permitted. As previously announced, no sharing of common equipment will be permitted indoors to reduce fomite transmission. 

    b) Outdoor facilities and activities
  11. Outdoors, individuals engaging in strenuous exercises may do so in groups of up to two persons (including any instructor), keeping 2m distance between individuals. They can be unmasked when exerting but should put on their masks thereafter. 

    c) Indoor and Outdoor large group classes
  12. Indoor and outdoor group classes are capped at 30 persons (including the instructor) or the venue capacity cap, whichever is lower. All individuals must remain masked at all times. All instructors and participants must be masked at all times.  Class participants must be in groups of no more than two, with 2m between individuals, and 3m between groups.
  13. Outdoor classes for strenuous activities which require participants to be unmasked, will be capped at two persons including the instructor.   

    Sport Singapore (SportSG) has released more details on the above: 

    Congregational and other worship services
  14. Congregational and other worship services will be limited to 100 persons with PET, or up to 50 persons at a time without PET. This is subject to safe management measures and the venue capacity limits of the premises. Religious workers support these services should be kept to a minimum.
  15. Worshippers can participate in worship services in groups of no more than two persons. Masks must be worn at all times by all persons including when speaking during congregational and other worship services. Face shields are not permitted substitutes for proper face masks.
  16. To reduce the risk of transmission, singing and the playing of wind/brass instruments will not be allowed. There should also be no sharing of prayer or common items.   

    Other religious activities
  17. Religious Organisations (ROs) may continue to use places of worship to conduct religious rites, in groups of no more than two persons. All other religious activities (e.g. religious classes for adults and children) will be suspended.

    Digital productions and associated rehearsals
  18. Recording of digital productions at the place of worship are limited to 15 performers and crew on stage and backstage at any given time. This includes a maximum of 10 unmasked performers (of which no more than two persons can sing or play wind/brass instruments). ROs must notify MCCY of their plans before proceeding with their digital productions.

    Wedding solemnisations and Funeral rites
  19. Wedding solemnisations may continue, with up to 100 persons with PET, or up to 50 persons without PET, subject to venue capacity limits. The cap of 100 and 50 persons respectively, exclude the solemnizer and religious and supporting workers, whose numbers should be kept to a minimum.
  20. In line with curbs on dine-in F&B establishments, wedding receptions will not be allowed.
  21. Funerals, wakes, burial/cremations, installation of niches and post-funeral rites at places of worship can involve not more than 20 attendees at any time, subject to venue capacity limits. Attendees should be organised in groups of no more than two persons. The cap of 20 excludes religious and supporting workers, whose numbers should be kept to a minimum. Attendees are to maintain safe distancing and be masked at all times to reduce the risk of transmission. 

    More details have been released separately:

    Support for MCCY sectors

  22. MCCY and our agencies have been focused on providing support to groups, businesses, and individuals within our sectors to manage the disruptions resulting from COVID-19, and to help them emerge stronger. Both the Arts and Culture Resilience Package and the Sports Resilience Package have been dedicated to tide our sectors throughout the pandemic.

    Arts & Culture
  23. The Arts and Culture Resilience Package has been topped up over the past year to the current $75M. This funds operating grants, venue hire subsidies, assistance to SEPs and assistance to support the transformation of businesses.
  24. In addition, MCCY will provide further support for arts and culture self-employed persons (SEPs) affected by the latest tightened measures. We will also subsidise the costs of PET for arts and culture companies presenting permitted live performances from 16 May – 13 June 2021. This will enable larger audiences to attend live performances in this period safely, cushioning the financial impact to arts companies caused by these tightened measures. NAC will release more information on how SEPs and groups presenting live performances can apply for the additional support.

  25. SportSG recently announced relief measures for businesses and SEPs affected by the measures announced on 8 May for the period up to 30 May 2021. This includes project grants, operating grants, training assistance grants, and direct cash assistance. This will continue to be available, to help affected businesses defray the costs of overheads. We will extend the support to cover the heightened alert period up to 13 June 2021.
  26. SportSG is looking into the provision of more outdoor spaces within its ActiveSG facilities for coaches and instructors to conduct their classes. The mechanism to apply for these spaces will be announced to the community when ready.
  27. Details will be communicated by the respective agencies when ready.

    Keeping our community safe

  28. It is critical that our people, businesses, and government work together to bring down the number of COVID-19 cases, to keep our community safe. MCCY understands that the tightened measures are disruptive to our sectors and have developed support packages to help our stakeholders make the necessary adjustments. MCCY very much appreciates our religious organisations, as well as our arts, culture, and sports businesses and communities for rallying together to implement the safe management measures. Together, we will emerge safe, and stronger.

Issued by:
Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth


Last updated on 09 November 2021