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Utilisation rates of facilities under Dual-use Scheme

Response to parliamentary question on the utilisation rates of facilities under Dual-Use Scheme (DUS) and whether more facilities will be made available under DUS

Oral PQ 5943. Ms Yeo Wan Ling: To ask the Minister for Culture, Community and Youth (a) whether he can provide an update on the utilisation rates of facilities under the Dual Use Scheme run by ActiveSG; and (b) whether the Ministry will be proactively looking to expand this programme and make available facilities from more schools.

  1. Under the Dual-Use Scheme (DUS), there are free-to-play facilities and bookable facilities. These include both MOE school fields and indoor sports halls. No booking is required for free-to-play facilities, i.e. members of public can access the facility spontaneously and at no cost. 
  2. All bookable facilities under the DUS were almost fully utilised in 2023. SportSG will continue working closely with MOE to expand the DUS to provide Singaporeans with convenient access to schools’ sports facilities.
Last updated on 09 May 2024