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Utilisation and donation of CDC Vouchers Scheme 2023

Response to parliamentary question on utilisation of CDC Vouchers 2023 and the donation of the unused CDC vouchers

Oral PQ 5718. Mr Saktiandi Supaat: To ask the Minister for Culture, Community and Youth (a) what is the dollar amount of Community Development Council (CDC) Vouchers left unspent and expired on 31 December 2023; (b) what is the number and percentage of households which (i) donated their CDC Vouchers in 2023 and (ii) did not completely utilise their CDC Vouchers before they expired; and (c) how do we ensure that CDC Vouchers got to those who need them and do not go to waste.

  1. The CDC Vouchers Scheme 2023 is part of the Government’s continuing efforts to help Singaporean households cope with their daily expenses and to support heartland merchants and hawkers. It forms a part of the wider Assurance Package that seeks to cushion the impact of additional Goods & Services Tax (GST) and the $1.5 billion Support Package announced in October 2022 to provide additional relief for cost of living for all eligible Singaporean households. 
  2. About 97.7% of 1.27 million Singaporean households claimed the CDC 2023 vouchers at the end of the Scheme on 31 Dec 2023.  This includes newly-formed households claiming their CDC Vouchers for the first time. This marked the highest amount and percentage of vouchers claimed compared to all the previous rounds. Of the vouchers claimed, more than $360 million, or 96.5%, was spent at participating hawkers, heartland merchants and supermarkets. 
  3. Similar to the 2021 and 2022 vouchers, Singaporean households have the option to help the needy by donating their unused 2023 vouchers before 31 January 2024.  They can contribute to participating charities that support a range of causes such as animal welfare, arts & heritage, children & youth, the environment, migrant community, persons with disability, and more. The CDCs will give the respective charities the cash equivalent of the CDC vouchers donated to them.  Any unspent and undonated vouchers will be returned to the Government.
Last updated on 27 February 2024