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Role of Co-operative Societies in Singapore

Response to parliamentary question on the role of co-operative societies in Singapore and how they can play a part to strengthen Singapore’s social compact

Written PQ 5733: Mr Liang Eng Hwa: To ask the Minister for Culture, Community and Youth (a) what are the roles of co-operatives (co-ops) in Singapore’s society and economy; (b) whether Singapore needs new co-ops to meet the evolving social-economic landscape; and (c) whether the roles and social missions of co-ops can be strengthened as a stronger social compact is built under the Forward Singapore vision.

  1. We thank Mr Liang for his queries on the roles of co-operative societies in Singapore and how they can play a part to strengthen Singapore’s social compact.  Mr Liang’s queries are addressed by Mr Alvin Tan, Minister of State for Culture, Community and Youth, in his second reading and closing speeches for the Co-operative Societies (Amendment) Bill on 2 April and 3 April 2024 respectively.

Last updated on 05 April 2024