Feedback for busking audition applicants
Response to parliamentary question on whether busking audition applicants are provided feedback on their performance.
04 July 2023
Oral PQ 4690. Mr Louis Ng Kok Kwang: To ask the Minister for Culture, Community and Youth whether the panel of judges for busking auditions can provide auditioning candidates (i) with feedback on their performance and (ii) when candidates are unsuccessful, with reasons for why their audition was unsuccessful.
- The judging panel for busking auditions is focused on assessing whether the performance of auditioning applicants meet the minimum standards, and takes into account factors such as the applicants’ responsiveness to real-life situations and their ability to engage audiences in real-time. These evaluations have helped ensure the quality and suitability of busking performances in our public spaces. Given the high volume of live auditions, it is not feasible to provide individual feedback to applicants.
- NAC regularly reviews the busking scheme in various ways, including through surveys and consultation with stakeholders. NAC will continue to identify suitable platforms to engage stakeholders from the busking community to improve policies and processes.
Last updated on 05 July 2023