Response to parliamentary question on whether there will be a review of the plans to build new mosques that were deferred in light of the COVID-19 pandemic
Muis utilises the Mosque Building and Mendaki Fund, or MBMF, for the building of new mosques and the upgrading of existing ones. Previously in May 2021, we announced that plans to build new mosques, including in Tampines North, will be deferred and reviewed when the economy recovers, with Muis prioritising the upgrading plans for existing mosques. For example, Muis will be working towards securing longer leases for Masjid Tentera and Masjid Ahmad Ibrahim and upgrading both mosques.
Given that needs in the religious sector are being reviewed, together with the funding required, Muis will be working with the relevant agencies to conduct a fresh needs assessment for all infrastructure, including demand for and supply of prayer spaces. The study will also take into consideration the impact of the pandemic on the construction industry, which has resulted in higher construction costs.