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Appeal Cases for CDC Vouchers

Response to parliamentary question on number and reasons for resident appeals for CDC Vouchers

1 Every Singaporean household is eligible to receive $100 CDC Vouchers in 2021 and another $100 CDC Vouchers in 2022.

2          Some Singaporean households may be unable to claim their CDC vouchers under certain circumstances. This could happen for example, when more than one Singaporean household resides in the same rental address or when newlyweds move into a new address. In such cases, the households that have yet to claim their vouchers may make an appeal at any community centre/club.

3          In general, the appeals will be approved as long as the appellants are not from the same household and have not claimed the CDC vouchers before. An average of 1,200 appeals (about 0.1% of 1.22 million households) have been approved for each of the two tranches in 2021 and 2022.

Last updated on 25 October 2022