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Update on utilisation of CDC Vouchers and Heartland Merchants onboard CDC Vouchers Scheme

Response to parliamentary question on the participation of merchants, utilisation of CDC vouchers, and potential use of the CDC e-voucher system to enable charities and philanthropic individuals to give e-vouchers to be spent at heartland shops

  1. The CDC Vouchers 2021 using the digital vouchers was launched on 13 December 2021. It was to thank Singaporeans for their solidarity during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to support hawkers and heartland merchants in their businesses.  As at end March 2022, more than 15,000 participating hawkers and heartland merchants are onboard the scheme.
  2. About 1.12 million Singaporean households have claimed their vouchers. Over $72 million has been spent at participating hawkers and heartland merchants.
  3. The CDC Vouchers scheme uses the RedeemSG platform developed by GovTech’s Open Government Products. It is a general voucher system that serves various government schemes. RedeemSG makes it easy for campaign organisers, merchants and recipients to use digital vouchers as a form of payment and redemption.  It is currently used by some organisations, and is being developed to cater to a wider range of needs that could be used by various organisations such as government agencies and charities and for philanthropic causes.


Last updated on 10 May 2022