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Clarifications on investigations into allegations made against Muis’ recognition process for Foreign Halal Certifying Bodies

Response to parliamentary question on the promotion of a Muis officer and Muis’ investigation findings into allegations made against Muis’ recognition process for Foreign Halal Certifying Bodies


Mr Muhamad Faisal Abdul Manap: To ask the Minister for Social and Family Development and Minister-in-charge for Muslim Affairs (a) whether the appointment of Executive Director of Mosque-Madrasah-Wakaf Shared Services is a promotion when the officer is a former Assistant Director in the Halal Department of MUIS and is currently under investigation by the police and CPIB for alleged halal certification mismanagement; and (b) whether MUIS will present the outcome of its independent review findings on the alleged mismanagement of halal certification to Parliament.


Mr Masagos Zulkifli, Minister-in-charge of Muslim Affairs & Minister for Social and Family Development:

  1. In 2020, 23% of Muis’ workforce was rotated, deployed and posted within and outside of Muis. This is part of Muis’s career development framework that supports Muis’ organisational needs while giving officers the opportunity to further develop their skills and knowledge.
  2. The deployment of a former Assistant Director in the Halal department to the Mosque Madrasah Wakaf Shared Services (MMWSS) was one of these overall staff movements in 2020. This officer was not promoted when he took on the appointment at MMWSS.
  3. On 15 December 2020, Muis issued a media statement to inform the public that it had completed internal investigations into the allegations made against Muis’ recognition process for Foreign Halal Certifying Bodies (FHCBs). The investigations found that Muis’ processes are sound and the recognition and delisting of FHCBs have been carried out by its officers in a fair and impartial manner. These findings were also reviewed by MCCY.
  4. In the interest of accountability and transparency, Muis subsequently referred the matter to the Corrupt Practices Investigations Bureau (CPIB) and Police for further investigations, even though Muis found no evidence to support the allegations of improper conduct or abuse of power by its officer in handling the FHCB cases. Muis will fully assist in CPIB and Police investigations on this matter.
Last updated on 05 April 2021