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Enhanced digital platforms to improve volunteers’ giving journeys

Response to Parliamentary Question on whether a national volunteer registry will be set up


Ms Anthea Ong: To ask the Minister for Culture, Community and Youth whether there is a plan to institute a national volunteer registry that can provide big data for analysis and use across Ministries such as those relating to blood donors, probono legal aid lawyers, grassroots volunteers, police volunteers, and corporate volunteers, and which can also provide a personal volunteer portfolio/journey for citizens and residents.


  1. We believe that insights from big data could help us grow volunteerism and allow Ministries to improve their support and partnership with volunteers, as well as make the volunteering experience a more meaningful one.
  2. Government is indeed improving the sharing and analysis of volunteer-related data, with consent from the volunteers to share their information. We are progressively rolling out digital infrastructure to help agencies manage information on volunteers and volunteer opportunities, starting with volunteering opportunities offered by public sector agencies. Volunteers are also able to discover and sign up for volunteer opportunities across participating agencies with ease.
  3. Earlier this year, we launched the SG Cares mobile app with inspiring stories, links to volunteering opportunities, and self-help guides to grow their own volunteer competencies. This is a first step towards a personalised “digital assistant” for volunteering that Ms Ong refers to, and we will continue to seek feedback and enhance the app to make it a more seamless journey for the volunteer and beneficiaries. 
  4. In time, these efforts would make it easier for more organisations and individuals to step forward to volunteer, and build a culture of care in Singapore together.

Last updated on 13 March 2019