1 Korban is the ritual of animals sacrifice during Eidul Adha in commemoration of Prophet Ibrahim’s expression of faith. The meat is encouraged to be shared with the poor and needy.
2 Jamiyah Singapore and Muhammadiyah Association of Singapore
3 ESCAS is a regulatory framework implemented by the Australian Government in 2012 to ensure that livestock exported from Australia to different countries are treated in accordance to the World Organisation for Animal Health’s (OIE) internationally accepted animal welfare standards. To comply, the Australian exporter must provide a report from an independent and internationally accredited auditor to certify that livestock to be exported meet the standards required from the farm to the point of slaughter.
4 In 2012, 16 mosques and 2 organisations met the required ESCAS compliance audits and the Australian Government approved the export of 2,500 sheep for korban at these 18 centres. In 2013, MUIS increased the number of korban centres to 23, and these centres were also subjected to the same international welfare standards for korban operations.